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  Oct 2014 Christine Eglantine
Eyes gleaming           tears streaming
Cheeks rosy              due to so much anger
You kissing me         your lips tasted like cigarettes
Sparks flew               due to the cancer stick you just lit
I love you                  you love your drugs
             how will I ever win
Zarg poetry
i really was
just a quick ****
up till five in the morning
almost every night
your girlfriend neglected
was i more interesting?
or more willing
to put out?
oh lord
i'm torn in two
over my affections.
a quick ****
or a shoulder to cry on
a mother
or the ideal wife
you all see me as one
when i am all
and i am suffering
more emo ******* from my college experience
in no way
am i attracted to your arrogant swagger
that i walk with
to get to class
and we have no common interests
hell, i HATE linguistics
and the beautiful nuances of every word
every tongue
that sounds like a kiss to my ears
we are the best friends who ever lived
and we totally do not want
to hold each other shaking in the back seat of a car
as passions set our blood a blaze
no way
*** we have like
significant others
we're in deep
bitter regret! oh
deus meus!
ut quid dereliquisti me!
for the feelings are shared
and the others are still present
how could i measure up to that?
naught but a filthy villain!
foul creature!
cast me out into the ash and mark me dying
with runes
the beast
drawn in black donning
mark me not as one who has repented
but as the witch i am
for this cruelty that causes me
to be the very saccharin ******* i despise!
oh! to be free of the thumb at my temple!
oh! to be free of the thumb at my chest!
i am no one
there ain't nothing left
but candles burned to stubs
and busted headphones
torn up books
and ones never opened
i am here


trying to take my mind off of dying
off of loneliness
off of everything
pretty new blooms!
don't fear the ants
they are not who ***** you worst.
their bites will come
and their bites will go
but in the end, they will only take the bitter sap of you
and let your petals unfurl.
no no, do not fear them
but draw tight against the frost
who sings sweet serenades in the moonlight
and clings to you come morning
this insidious beast
will freeze your cells
and let them burst
letting that pretty pink soul
come flowing out
less sharp than mandibles
more of a constant tug
a pull
a yank
a collapse of self
do not fear the ants!
fear the long lasting dread!
and oh,
fear the cold
he smiles at things
that make him sad
chicken soup
mommy's smile
and the quick flint knife
of snakes at his back
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