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Sep 2018 · 256
Sarah Anuar Sep 2018
You didn't break me in half. You just left without words. You just burnt without settings things on fire. No. What you did was worst, you robbed me; in broad daylight.

But see, I didn't fall into a pit expecting to be saved, I have my own safety equipment, it functioned perfectly well, I climbed out of a hole I dug out myself. I didn't forget my body, I just forgot my mind. I just needed time, because my body wants a different mind, a kind that wouldn't look for you in the first place.

I want to reinvent myself.
Sep 2018 · 347
Sarah Anuar Sep 2018
After the barricades came down and the tides settled, she realised inner strength isn't about keeping people out and numbing out emotions. It is about realising the importance of being vulnerable and strong enough to handle the ripples and strong crashes. Inner strength is about feeling deeply for the things you care about and going out of your comfort zone so you can do what is right, even if no one else around you understands the values that you uphold. It's also about courage and bravery, taking a huge leap of faith and jumping into deep waters because you know how to swim. But also about becoming somebody who makes a difference or impact.
“where you are. is not who you are. – circumstances”
― Nayyirah Waheed, Salt

“would you still want to travel to that country if you could not take a camera with you. – a question of appropriation”
― Nayyirah Waheed, Salt

“I want to live so densely. lush. and slow in the next few years, that a year becomes ten years, and my past becomes only a page in the book of my life.”
― Nayyirah Waheed
Jul 2018 · 5.5k
Sarah Anuar Jul 2018
I never heard you, but I hear you.
I never held you, but I feel you.
I never knew you, but I love you.
Jun 2018 · 222
Sarah Anuar Jun 2018
I prayed for love so I could find my worth,
I prayed for a man so that he could come and rescue me.
I prayed for love, but what I found was there is no greater love than the one He gave to me.
I prayed for a love to keep on earth but I found an everlasting one instead.
May 2018 · 197
Sarah Anuar May 2018
"Please keep looking. Not for a person, but for your passion, love, courage, dreams, your happiness, yourself. Explore yourself before exploring another. Know yourself. Only then will you know what you need over what you want. You need yourself to become your own."
Apr 2018 · 163
Sarah Anuar Apr 2018
There are some people in this world who are just so beautiful
not because of how they dress or how they look
but because of who they are, they way they talk, they way they carry themselves in such a class act, they way they never brush you aside after a long day at work, sleep deprived and bags under eyes
How sincere their hearts are but mostly how they can make you remember who you really are which is kind of amazing.
Mar 2018 · 163
Sarah Anuar Mar 2018
Trust is a funny thing, it's like tearing an envelope but hoping the edges stay intact, it's like folding a page hoping the crease won't stay. Commitment is a funny thing we play around with, like testing the waters of our limits and see if we drown if we step in too deep with our feelings. Love is something you throw around with, like confetti or dart ball, if you're reckless you might get burn, but if you don't play the game you might never even win or lose.
Feb 2018 · 263
Sarah Anuar Feb 2018
baby when your thoughts left this earth
and your lips don't make a sound
i look into your eyes
because i can see constellations in them
Feb 2018 · 185
Sarah Anuar Feb 2018
"...all these roads I've taken, all the stairs that I've climbed, this long journey across the world, and back to where I started, it was all meant for me to just find you.." Yunalis
Feb 2018 · 178
Sarah Anuar Feb 2018
Read more books to cultivate your mind, spend less time scrolling the timeline.
Spend time outside, less time inside.
Look into people's faces in real time, less through a screen.
Remember their smile lines, their laughter sounds, and the way they hold your hand.
Live in the moment, put the phone away and start living like it's 1995.
Jan 2018 · 182
what is?
Sarah Anuar Jan 2018
If she keep her vows, in sickness and in health,
and if she stays beside your hospital bed, caring for
you when you can't even speak or move.
If that isn't true love, I don't know what is.
Dec 2017 · 249
Diamonds in the rough
Sarah Anuar Dec 2017
After the barricades came down and the tides settled, you realised inner strength isn't about keeping people out and numbing out emotions. It is about realising the importance of being vulnerable and strong enough to handle the ripples and strong crashes. Inner strength is about feeling deeply for the things you care about and going out of your comfort zone so you can do what is right, even if no one else around you understands the values that you uphold. It's also about courage and bravery, taking a huge leap of faith and jumping into deep waters because you know how to swim. But also about becoming somebody who makes a difference or impact.
“where you are. is not who you are. – circumstances”
― Nayyirah Waheed, Salt

“would you still want to travel to that country if you could not take a camera with you. – a question of appropriation”
― Nayyirah Waheed, Salt

“I want to live so densely. lush. and slow in the next few years, that a year becomes ten years, and my past becomes only a page in the book of my life.”
― Nayyirah Waheed
Dec 2017 · 216
Sarah Anuar Dec 2017
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Dec 2017 · 313
Sarah Anuar Dec 2017
Don't forget to smile today, it may be your smile might be the one thing someone going through a tough time needed on that day.
Don't forget to lend your hand, hold the door, speak a kind word, if you do it enough, it's second nature and perhaps the next person next to you might too.
Don't forget to be a little kinder than you feel, you never walked in someone else's shoes and it's hard to forgive but easier to choose some peace in your mind.
Don't forget there is more good than evil in this world, and doing the right thing takes a lot more courage than responding in hate.
Nov 2017 · 158
Sarah Anuar Nov 2017
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to the moments when things felt like a trance, perhaps I could piece back together the pieces of the puzzle that were falling out, and stick it back together with paper glue. Sometimes I wish I could stop analysing moments with a microscope, and stop and enjoy what truly is at the moment, maybe if I just head in another direction, it will all fall into place, and I'll know for sure, why my heart feels this way.
Nov 2017 · 195
Sarah Anuar Nov 2017
love & appreciate the people that love you
never forget the people that believed in you
& were there for you at your worst
be in the present, but don't forget to look back
to see how far you've come, and look forward
so you chase bigger & better dreams.
Nov 2017 · 228
Outer space
Sarah Anuar Nov 2017
From outer space I could run
my fingers through
the constellations
that make up the stars that I wished upon
in my dreams
Sarah Anuar Nov 2017
“When they call you a *****, say thank you, thank you very much.”
Oct 2017 · 218
Sarah Anuar Oct 2017
"Be fearless. Have the courage to take risks. Go where there are no guarantees. Get out of your comfort zone even if it means being uncomfortable. The road less traveled is sometimes fraught with barricades bumps and uncharted terrain. But it is on that road where your character is truly tested.  Have the courage to accept that you’re not perfect, nothing is and no one is — and that’s OK.
—  Katie Couric
Oct 2017 · 167
Sarah Anuar Oct 2017
If you want to know what it means to lead a meaningful life, hold the hands of mothers who gave up everything for their child.
Look into the eyes of the hawker who works day and night to provide for his family. Speak to the underdogs who knows what it's like to have the word privilege taken away from them. Appreciate health before you know illness can take away the ability to talk, walk, speak and understand. Listen attentively and accept wholeheartedly; for when we pass no judgement our horizons expand. Learn to speak with your heart and take off our masks.
Sep 2017 · 238
Dear mom & dad,
Sarah Anuar Sep 2017
some people search their whole lives for the meaning of unconditional love, but I knew I had it the moment
you gave it to me when I took my first breath.

your daughter.


When I took my first breath
by Kimberly Guadalupe Escalante
You saw my first smile, watched me take my first steps. You stood by my side, as I grew older I began to push you away but you stayed firm by my side refusing to leave. I turned away from you but you stayed close behind me, always there. Soon I forgot of your presence, thought maybe you’d finally left but you where still there, waiting for the day when I’d go back to your side. I discovered new things and took some wrong turns but you where right there behind me cleaning up after my messes. I was soon left behind by the people around me, like an old toy that had lost it’s shine and was tossed away, I looked around and realized I wasn’t alone. You were there, your hand on my shoulder your heart beating in rhythm with mine. You would always be there, just as you were when I took my first breath.
Sep 2017 · 221
Fire and blood
Sarah Anuar Sep 2017
Like an elixir, she drank the poison,
blood stained her lips, and she closes her eyes.
Because the sooner she dies, the faster she
reunites with her faithless lover.
She closes her eyes, because she is not
afraid to die.
Aug 2017 · 233
Thank you
Sarah Anuar Aug 2017
and perhaps we're all strangers in this world, searching for some purpose
and maybe all the glitz and glam of this life can shelter me now, but after all the haziness, what is left will be how you treat others kindly; and how you made others feel. Do I have a heart worth seeing?
Aug 2017 · 232
how to be alive :
Sarah Anuar Aug 2017
first, break all the rules.

second, throw fear out the window.

thirdly, walk the path less traveled. (discretionary)

fourthly, ***** what others think.

and finally be kind in an unkind world.
Jun 2017 · 234
Sarah Anuar Jun 2017
Ever thine.

                   Ever mine.

                                       Ever ours.
May 2017 · 721
Sarah Anuar May 2017
When tears are shed, hurtful words were said
The regret kicks in, the emptiness nests in.
but no amount of regret can take back hurtful words that cuts deep
no amount of sorry can break back a stone wall
nothing can bring back parents that were once alive and well
nothing can give you back the friendships that you treasured most

you have to remain kind, speak kind words
and remember that sometimes
you have to apologise not because you're wrong
but because you love and treasure the special bonds that He gifted you.
Sep 2016 · 349
Sarah Anuar Sep 2016
Hush Baby.

The sun is setting. The waves are crashing on to us.

Don't dive in deep, this place is a no man's land.

Not one has set foot here, the caves are deep. These whispers are ornaments that decorates her soul.

Don't play with this one's heart, her eyes are cold, her mind is set.

She throws looks that pierces through cracks in glass.

Don't take a chance. Don't speak a word. This one might just cut too deep.

Hush Baby. Don't come in and play, consider this a cautionary tale.

Two souls don't meet to crash in the middle, not tonight, not ever.
Aug 2016 · 1.5k
Thief of sleep
Sarah Anuar Aug 2016
Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity.
The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.
Tomorrow, when resurrection comes,
The heart that is not in love will fail the test.

From Thief of Sleep
by Shahram Shiva

— The End —