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  Sep 2019 Chelsea Rae
a place for everything
and everything has its place

we met within the hurricane
and the hurricane rearranged

all we thought permanent
blew away complacency

a place for everything
and everything has its place.
Chelsea Rae Sep 2019
I feel like I'm supposed to be somewhere else
But I keep waking up to the same ceiling.
Tethered to a body.
Anchored here.
Inside a character that I no longer want to play out their story.

I want a new one.
New everything,
before my soul consumes itself,
plagued by restlessness.
Chelsea Rae Sep 2019
You are the one Truth
I can't deny.
The one chord struck,
To ring forever in my soul.
  Sep 2019 Chelsea Rae
Hyperactive all my senses
I can't shut my hunger off
I want to love all the women
I grow weary of battles lost

In sweet sunshine
I come alive
I run 'til out of breath
My heart beats wild
Mile after mile
Until there's nothing left

Laying down
I dream forever
Of a heart that beats
Like mine
Beneath dark skies
Here I lie
In the calamity
Of my rhymes
Traveler Tim
  Sep 2019 Chelsea Rae
Saint kaya
The sky is
A graveyard of stars

And I remark
Something so tragically beautiful

Just like fireworks of art
From here to the nearest star

And I wish
I could lay awake
In the night

With you
And our lingering hearts

And tell you all about a tragedy
Called life
Chelsea Rae Sep 2019
Approaching the stand,
She shook with ultimate fear but
Also, excitement.

"There's not much time."
She heard them whisper urgently in the background.

Quickly she stepped forward
And glided her palm along the old leather cover with a gasp of awe and fear.

She tucked her fingertips
Between the gold lined pages and
Pulled it open.

Scanning and flipping through pages
She found her name but stops abruptly.
Closing her eyes and holding her breath, she slowly peaks open one eye.
Was she ready to know her heart's question?
She looked and tears dived over cheeks.

In cursive
There it was written next to hers.
"Hurry." They whispered again, snapping her out of the daze.
She quickly gathered herself and shut the book of fate.

Quickly escaping without all her answers, but at least she had the most important one.
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