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 Sep 2014 Charl van Niekerk
The months has passed
The weeks has gone by
And the days has turned countless
Since I've felt your fingers sliding over my skin
Since I've been able to look you in the eyes
Since you been completely mine

Nothing can compare to being with you
Not just with words over a screen
Or voices over a phone
I want to hear you
See you
Feel you
Smell you

I don't mean that we need to talk
Or stare at each other all day long
Because just being near you
Whatever we might do
I want to be with you

I've waited a very long time
And tomorrow

I hope you'll be mine
- ev
Writing is like talking to a beautiful woman. Pelt her with shoddy words and badly composed sentences and she slaps you and walks away. Splash her full of ink and you only get a cheap **** with ripped stockings and too many scratched out tattoo's.


Caress her with your pen, stroke her with loving splendor, decorate her with words and sentences like sparkling diamonds and you have her attention. Use old pick up lines and you entertain her, for a while. Be yourself and speak from the soul and you entertain her for a life time.
You speak to me little bird? Brave you are indeed!
I fly higher than all predators, see farther than all!
You fly in my view and try to blind me with only you?

Foolish of you little one! Do not come into my sight,
for if you do, it is likely to mean your doom!
My claws rip, my beak tears and my wings are of freedom.

No, nightingale will ever fly with the King of the sky,
you may fancy yourself a queen, but
the Wind is my Queen and the Sun is my Partner.

Now be gone little bird! My patience where's thin!
*****, the light of a hundred gone,
No warning, no mercy, no regard.
The candle of our lives flicker and die,
the wind of time consuming us.
In the dark a spark flies from the candle fuse,
your hand sparks the candle into flame.
Once again the fire burns, but white not gold,
flames of our salvation from endless night.

— The End —