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 Jun 2020 Carl Miller
Rupert Pip
Break my bones;
cut my throat.
Pull me open,
learn the ropes.

Breath me in;
taste the fear.
Shank my skin;
stand and cheer.

Kick my head;
let me bleed.
Unbolt my veins;
enjoy the read.

Gouge my eyes;
punch my face.
Wrap me up
in your embrace.
Get to know me like I do you; inside and out.
Another weeping star
comes to me. The twin
presence interacts.

A pain sits with me.
I split into shards.

A spooky boom.
Water bends. I kiss
your scream.

White night.
Acacia breaks,
roots won't move.
 Jun 2020 Carl Miller
I have lied
I have been so jealous of you
Your glittering family, words overdue
And all the green paper you can draw

I have wanted to be you
my girl, a searing fire, whenever I saw you
light sheen of sweat over my hands
clutched together, lips clammed

I have seen nothing
but yet want everything
because it's you;
your words, your touch, your life

And most of all
I want to watch you fall
Away or closer, for me or for else
I cannot -bear- you being perfect
 Jun 2020 Carl Miller
the absence of:

idly chatting
fawning over a new born
boisterous laughter
bestowal of compliments
holding the door for someone
neighbors' casual discussions  and catching up
blithely ignoring people
people to be  annoyed at
not feeling like a germ
no six feet of separation
children cavorting
no  apprehensions
no trepidations
rags in the check-out lanes
social strictures and biological conditions, missed opportunities
 Jun 2020 Carl Miller
 Jun 2020 Carl Miller
I was starring at you
Smile behind you
Screaming while cutting you
Until you ask me "U okay?"
I realized it's all in my mind.
 Feb 2019 Carl Miller
 Feb 2019 Carl Miller
The sadness came in waves, so I strayed from the ocean,
but keeping my distance made me lonely,
for I had no place on land.

I longed for the currents.
push, pull,
happy, sad.

When I was with the waters, I was joined by a mix of joy and sorrow
yet when I was away, I was joined by no one.
 Jan 2019 Carl Miller
I. Apply foundation in a tone more perfect than the one you're born with,
doubt that there's anything beautiful in the term "natural"
blot your lips with the cherries you deprive yourself of
and wonder, "What good is difference when it's not appreciated?"

stop reading this.

II. Forget how you were born;
every freckle,
every beauty mark,
every uneven line etched into your face are nothing to be celebrated.
Deprecate yourself, you are unwound and beg this world to shape you in its eyes.

skip this line.

Society speaks subjectively of happiness, but fill your head with lies
that we're all pretty if we can keep up our disguise.
The weight of this world upon your shoulders,
alludes to being big as too much to handle.
Curl into everyone's palm as if you're so fragile,
they have to pinch the skin on your bones with the thumb and index finger.


III. Draw on the perfectly plump pout, filled with nothing but
expectations of everyone else.
Your beauty is not a privilege for anyone,
but judgment that has defined your worth.

Emprises that market upon your insecurities,
admire that solemn face in the mirror
as the reflection discourages you
at the acknowledgement of any impurities


How To Be Beautiful Lifelong

Admire the history that lives within the heartlines of your palms,
how strong you've grown, once cradled in your mother's arms.
Disregard where it is you've come from, but how much further you've journeyed forward.
I. Apply the sincerity in your best friend's voice when
                        she calls the time you've spent together, beautiful.
Do not doubt the splendor that comes from wisdom.

II. Every wrinkle you've earned,
as time gives back to you from lessons learned.
Blot your lips during the release of laughter
as saliva mists through the air,
your joy so vigorous
the ghosts residing in the graves
regret no more.

You are as you should be,
a composite of everything that gives you life
and grants you purpose.
Begging for this world to love you,
there is no fault in this desire.

They speak of happiness as if
it's only a potential-oriented concept,
Do not let your heart surround the gossip
or it's golden armor become bronzed.

III. Draw on the canvas of existence
in the brightest of hues, in the purest of love.
Filled with nothing, but expecations for yourself
say farewell to the darkness
open the curtains to light.

Your beauty is magnificent
as your name will be transcendent.
In each day we decide to be ourselves,
the poise presents itself.

You. Are. Beautiful.
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