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lotus lord Dec 2014
From when we met I liked you but soon I will learn your true plan

I was sweet and nice got you stuff as a surprise

They told me you had someone else while you had me

For when I asked was it true you would tell me not to worry that they were only jelouse

I had been hurt from that night you asked me to home coming and you showed up will all your ex's who took control of the night but you where to fair gone to remember who I was

I took you back cause I felt bad but that is when I learned you plan

You called me ugly, slutty, stupid in every text you sent me, told me you would rather die then to date me, then you killed me saying you were only using me
lotus lord Dec 2014
Without trust there is no relationship
Trust is something every one needs

Just think if you trust and let them have there freedom the 2 times will happen

They show you they are loyol
They hang them self with the trust you gave
lotus lord Dec 2014
Snow fall so light falls with out a care
Little kids play with out a care in the world

You look and wish you could protect them from the cold dark world we have made from them

But all you do is snails and say I will change the world so such things can be chairished
lotus lord Dec 2014
They think just cause they play sports there the best of the best

But truth be told there just ideots
They make fun of people and get away
They only play so the girls will be all over them
And to they can sleep with them all

But truth be told I would go near them cause there just bad new

And I know not all them are like this
lotus lord Dec 2014
I may not talk or have friends but that doesn't mean anything

If I talk I may get made fun of and if I'm made fun of I may not get friends

I'm alone and sceard don't know what to do
I live in a dark cruel place

So why talk or have friends
lotus lord Dec 2014
Were told to give respect but how can we
Teachers don't respect us so how can we respect them

Respect is a 2 way street

Even if we give them respect we don't get it back
  Dec 2014 lotus lord
ever since you left
i've replaced water with *****
it's dripping through my fingers
and is falling to the floor
it's coursing through my veins
still i drink a bit more

the flowers in my stomach
died the same day
i forgot you can't water them
with alcohol, anyway

so here i am still trying to escape
this is it, this is goodbye
i hope this time i forget your name.
i got myself drunk to forget your name but i forgot mine first
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