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 Jan 2016 BKD
I hate these thoughts
that stick in my head
that come out at night
why I try go to bed
I want to sleep.
 Jan 2016 BKD
Caroline Lee
Real love is in the hazy curve of the earth lined in cities and streetlights
In men and monsters alike
In mountains and valleys real love finds you and forces its way into your lungs pushes out through your fingers and onto the page from your pen
Real love is in the depth of the action of feeling itself
Not in some petty lust or the need to be touched
The quiet yet resounding sentiment that if you don't find "the one"
Then you will be blindsided forever by the harsh hands of a thousand one night stands
You will be left empty in the kitchen sink
This I see and hear in the bodies all around me
And I've been ****** over as well as the next kid
Wide eyed and innocent young thing force fed brine and ****
I was in love with everyone and every thing that ever came near me
Blinded into submission in the ignorance of my youth
And I was taught that love was the feeling you felt when someone took you home or took you in
That love was an idea long lost in fairy tales and **** posts from your drunken ex at three am
And I got good at being let down time and time again by empty words or hushed sentiments spoken too hastely on the hardwood floor
I got good at learning to document a fleeting thought or moment just to try to keep some light in me so I didn't drown in the endless sea of my nights alone
And yeah the bottom of an empty bathtub became a second home but I have discovered that real love is as near as the grass under my feet
The cracks in the street the ice in my drink
There is a freedom and a weight in the weight of it all
so the feeling that they try to destroy when we're small finds a way
Through the pigment in our eyes to the countless times we are let down or let others down
The earth resounds that real love
Is in everything
And that you
Are apart of it all
And one day it's all gonna break
Inspired by broken social scene. You are loved. You are apart. You are known.
 Aug 2015 BKD
savage men with army of teeth
mowing down the ancient life
in all of the curses god has preached
he's the one most wicked and vile
mangled veins chocking a mothers breath
Killing another child in wombs darkness
men eating trees, in lores of plants and death
walking on an old yellow road to nothingness
eating radioactive bites and pieces
in bits and diseases, poisoned veins
pouring an acid on time that bleaches
and reaches, where he's no more again
all those naked skeletons seem the same
only buried hand in hand in cold depths
now who's rich, what weight has a name
after all who died have wept and left

sane don't blow a head off, do they
angles don't cut themselves at birth
generations upon generations lost away
in strangers burning all across the world
Notes (optional)
 Aug 2015 BKD
Francisco DH
Remnants of my heart,
They crackled in the fire
were scorched in the flames.
Oh I should've learnt
That my heart's true desires
would contort in pain.
They told from the start
Closet Case leaves you tired
As they hide in shame.
But I could not part
For I gave my heart entire
Only I to blame.
But I regret nothing for this was love
Harsh reality, but none the less love.
I wanted to make a Sonku
A Haiku and Sonnet together and this is what I got :D

— The End —