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Everyone is in this together
In this thing called life
Some days are filled with sunshine
And sometimes there is corruption and strife
Everyday we learn something new
We enrich ourselves a great deal
Those nuances present themselves
In order to empower each day with zeal
All of the answers are there
They are within your soul
Take the time to find them
Empower yourself and be bold
Utilize those tools
And sharpen your mind
Never ever stop learning
Continue to be gentle and kind
A person who is always there
To lend you a helping hand
Always going the extra mile
In order to make others feel grand
Of an amiable nature
And spreading good cheer
Showing a pleasant demeanor
While shifting into high gear
The truth of the matter is this
You never really were there
She gave you her everything
And still, your heart was not sincere
You tortured her deeply
And sadly left her in the dark
All of your trust has been thrown out of the window
You have broken her heart
Let the children hear your voice
For they need someone to look up to
Be their mentor who gives them that spark
Help them to guide their way through
Always be the one who encourages
Teach them to give it their best
Promote positive thoughts a great deal
Help them build up their confidence
Be willing to push yourself a great deal
Strength always comes from within
Embrace every opportunity that you get
There is always more knowledge for one to gain
Be the person who continues to inspire
All of the tools are there
Just carry out your mission accordingly
In order to rise up through the air
Everyday is an adventure
As we live our life
Some days are sadly filled with darkness
And others, we find the light
We learn, grow, build and shape our character
We rise up through it all
One never knows what will happen
Life is totally unpredictable
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