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Girl, we have one another
It is about us two
You and I side by side
Together, we see our way through
With every little step
We enjoy this ride together
Deep in our hearts
Let us make this last forever
Time to run another course
Everyday we rise again
Here is an opportunity
To better oneself my friend
Set your sights
Be the best version of yourself
Have a strong will
In order to climb towards the top shelf
One wakes up and faces another day
Another chance to get at it once again
The battle gets a bit more challenging
There are new lessons to learn my friend
Rise up and stand tall accordingly
Let these things make you brighter and sharper
Accentuate the positive respectfully
Open your mind in order to become wiser
Just keep it going
And continue to find your way
Remove yourself from those dark clouds
Push them to the side in order to enlighten your day
You have the power from within
Continue to enhance your dedication
Always be the positive motivating force
Be fierce with your determination
Encourage those around you
Help to lift them upward
Offer words of wisdom and knowledge
So they can get on the board
Times can be troubling for us all
Sometimes a person needs a helping hand
Be their guidance and protection
In order for others to understand
As you live your life
A bump in the road may appear
Rise above those treacherous terrains
In order to make that path clear
Situations never come easy
You may have to go through a maze
The light will overtake the dark road
And you will have those sunny days
Stay determined
And give it your best
You have the ability
Just strive for excellence
Believe that you can
Have the courage to soar
Be that positive motivating force
In order to take the world by storm
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