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Stay determined
And give it your best
You have the ability
Just strive for excellence
Believe that you can
Have the courage to soar
Be that positive motivating force
In order to take the world by storm
Get out there and see the world
Travel along the sea accordingly
Take in those gentle breezes
And admire the beautiful scenery
Captivating and breathtaking
As one travels around the globe
Edification is there at its finest
One learns, lives and grows
You can and you will
Put your mind to it so you can achieve
The power comes from within
Just wear your heart on your sleeve
Anything is possible
Continue to climb even higher
Always believe in yourself
Show them that you have the fire
Embrace every opportunity
And always give it your best
Build strength and courage
In order to strive for excellence
It is all up to you
Just rise to the challenge
Be willing to enhance your mind
Continue to find your balance
Girl, you are a princess in my eyes
Your loving smile brightens the day
Beautiful, classy and radiant
Like those sunshining rays
A masterpiece you are
From head to toe
Your touch is golden
And that is for sure
Spend time educating yourself
Just feed your brain
The world opens up for you
Knowledge is there for you to gain
It all starts with one step
A chance for you to travel far
Learning is a lifelong process
Empower yourself in order to be a star
Do something, be somebody
Just stop wasting precious time
Keep pressing forward
Create your own sunshine
It is all up to you
Be forward and direct
Enshrine your world accordingly
Have that kindred spirit
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