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Bagaimana kalau surga dan neraka itu tidak ada,
dan kau
berlomba untuk hidup paling abadi berdampingan semestinya ?

Namun sekarang aku bercermin dengan realita.
mungkin kita berada di ruang yang sama, sibuk bercerita hari kemarin dan besok.
lalu kau harus pergi,
sehingga hanya jejak senyum hari ini yang tersisa dalam perjalanan sendiri-sendiri.

Jadi izinkan aku mengucapkan:
“Hati - hati di jalan ya.
Semoga selamat dan menemukan tujuan. Semoga pula sampai jumpa.
Semoga semua semoga karena 1000 doa ikut serta.
Aku pamit.”
4 Oktober 2019 pada pukul 03:30 pagi.
Semoga kamu bisa tidur.
 Oct 2016 Deaneira
Paul Butters
A poem can be a statement,
A poem can be a song.
It can be a piece of music,
Playing all night long.

First we have to go up,
Then we must go down.
Then we have to go all around
To find this ****** town.

Poetry is music,
Singing us a song.
Any way you choose it,
Bing, bang, ****.

Assonant sounds assemble,
Alliteration lilts our lyres.
Raps and rhymes are pulsing,
Kindling all those fires.

An orchestra is playing
On this very page.
Letters and words are strumming:
It’s a Golden Age.

Choirs of Angels Singing,
Guitars with a twang.
Ear that piano playing,
This may or may not scan.

If a pawn’s the soul of chess,
As Philidor did say,
Then letters and the sounds they show
Are what brighten the poet’s day.

So get those letters running,
All along the page.
Those sounds are our chess pieces,
Ready to engage.

Paul Butters
Word Music!
My weeping shaking body
I am tired
I am weak
I yearn for better days
And a better life
I yearn for something more
A life I desire to live...
I yearn for so much more than this.
 Sep 2016 Deaneira
Heliza Rose
I run from myself
Fast and breathless
I take a break often trying to recall what made me run
What me decide
To pick up my feet and take off
But I have nothing
 Sep 2016 Deaneira
Anna Li
 Sep 2016 Deaneira
Anna Li
Some things are best kept hidden
Some thoughts are best forgotten

Some bridges are just meant to be burned
Some lessons are meant not to be learned

Some words are better off left unspoken
Some hearts are just meant to be broken

Some dreams are meant to come true
But it'll never be my *dreams of you
Anna Li © Sept 2016
 Sep 2016 Deaneira
Nikita Vyas
"She smiled beautifully,
Her lips trembling,
Her heart pounded,
Several thoughts blooming in,
Her moment of pride,
The achievement she yearns,
Stands before her,
Awaiting for her turn,
She takes a step,
Very slowly,
Oblivious to treacherous comments,
holding her prize high,
Her eyes glowing with joy,
The voices don't matter,
The comments don't affect anymore,
She proves to herself,
And that is all that matters!"

— The End —