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Queen of the Highway
Atlanta    Light my fire
17/at school    aint good at anything
everlasting cherry
sifting gold flecks from the garbage
I see I feel I think I write And do it all over again
"I'm not a woman I'm not a man I am something that you'll never understand ... I'm not your lover I'm not your friend I …
Taylor Perkins
SC, United States    Drunken poet
John Michael Biely
M/phoenix    My Love is fire I Fight like water My body the dirt of ancient graves. And my soul, the very wind itself. BloodAshStone on instagram …
Karisa Brown
Eleanor Rigby
I am a person with a messy drawer for a brain, a battlefield for a heart, and a blank sheet of paper for a life. …
Elle Celeste
19/F/from sleepless mnl    here lies the aching words of a lover & night dweller.
Erin Suurkoivu
F/Canada    Erin Suurkoivu’s poems have appeared in Leaf Press, Strong Verse, Wicked Alice, and MockingHeart Review. Her chapbook "Not Quite a Hurricane" (2018) was published by …
eleanor prince
Australia    may light ignite - where shadow sits alone - tell me what you sense - when etchings raw you read - and how my exploits …
David Hall
35/M/Nashville    A compilation and or congregation of my contemplation.
wichita Kansas    HONEST ,non religious,don't whine much:) help anyone,worked hard my whole life.synesthetic ,strong aura, gardener,strong imagination,don't like labels,self diagnoses, Have found an easy internal peace from …
Reece AJ Chambers
31/M/Northamptonshire, England    Reece A.J. Chambers is a 31-year old published writer and poet. All works - © Reece A.J. Chambers
Kalesh Kurup
Dhaka    ... when words become a brutally honest relief... (C) all rights reserved A K Kalesh Kumar
Farheen zehra
21/India    Just a beginner.
29/M/FL    Good poetry is medicine for the soul☀️
25/Non-binary/that mystical place...    she/they "I've never been perfect, but neither have you" - Linkin Park
F/Laughlin, Nevada    Wrote my first lines at age 10. Never stopped. I write because I can't not write. Every word is ©, protected by barbed wire, quicksand …
hazem al jaber
55/M/Jordan    welcome to my poem`s world it`s me and i write only what i feel i just write my feelings to breathe a new happiness with …
nabi 나비
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