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 Feb 2017 Bo
Michelle Morine
Singed on my skin
is a memory
burnt on my thoughts
are your eyes
with a touch
you calm the raging waters
within me
as I wade through a flood

This tattoo stain
stings my soul at night
waking me in a river of wonder
 Feb 2017 Bo
Ignatius Hosiana
 Feb 2017 Bo
Ignatius Hosiana
I would **** for you
even if it meant killing me
I'd burn in flames if
you promised to treasure my ashes
I'd walk into a coffin if
it meant you'd kiss my grave
I would return to the soils
to be part of the ground on which
your tender feet gracefully glide
I'd take bullet for you
if you promised to always
keep me alive on your mind
*Because I am as good as dead without you.
 Feb 2017 Bo
anonymous a
i guess it's good that you're never here. because it's given me the opportunity to fall back in love with some of my past loves that my obsession stole from me.
holding a book feels a lot like holding a lover. i don't just hold it, you see. i gently run my finger along the edges of the pages, i take in its scent as if it could cure me of every single thing that pains me, i touch each word to see if they feel any differently, and when i'm done reading it
i don't toss it aside with disdain the way you do me. i place it on my chest, i let it feel my warmth and my beating heart and i let it stay right there until i cannot bear to be away from the beautiful pages of my lover anymore. so i open it and only then do i realize how much i truly missed it, how graceful the pages look when they are turned, how it fits in my hand so perfectly, how it fills all of the empty places inside me. but to the book, i never left, my beating heart was always there
 Feb 2017 Bo
{ consequences }
 Feb 2017 Bo
the thing about us is
that both of us long for the
flames but are scared of the ash.
the consequences are fatal.
 Feb 2017 Bo
Logan Gabriel
 Feb 2017 Bo
Logan Gabriel
I scream my name with lying lungs,
Rip at false skin like this is all its fault.
Break mirror with too gentle hands,
Curse their slender fingers.
Crush girlish legs under the lie of my body,
Tell them to get it right this time.
Build my shoulders broad and tighten the thing around my chest until there is no more swell there.
Tell them
I am Boy.

Rip away lying teeth and tongue,
Sever what which would write me Girl and throw it away.
Dream of a day when my soul will not shrivel in its cage inside of me,
See in my minds eye a future where I do not hide.
They call me by an angels name, and I smile with my teeth.
My back is straight and I am whole and happy.

I am no river nymph as they would think.
I am something full of much more glory.
I don't kid myself to think my empty ribs are full of stars.
I know just how few of us are lucky to carry our lion hearts with us.
But if nothing else, I carry my words.
My voice may lie,
But my words say

I am Boy.
 Feb 2017 Bo
Logan Gabriel
They called me rabbit
When I took their punches and their venom.
Felt blood well around my eye, all internal.
Learned that I am made of neither fists nor knives.
Learned cowardice tastes more bitter than fear.

They called me wolf
When I put on the belt and turned my hands into killing things
Felt the bones in my foot crack.
Learned to pull my kicks.
Learned my hands can be considered a deadly weapon.

They called me rabbit
When my voice shook, cracked, crumbled.
Felt something inside me like rage or fear.
Learned shame in the back of my throat.
Learned every song must end.

They called me wolf
When I stole the mic and learned to sing from my chest.
Felt something in me soar.
Learned I am more than their laughter.
Learned my soul is music.

They called me rabbit
When the called me Girl.
Felt my soul squirm at how wrong the frame was.
Learned Girl was weak.
Learned Girl was tears and limp wrists, fear and failure.

They called me wolf
When they called me Boy.
Felt sun shine through straight teeth.
Learned I am still the things they call Girl.
Learned Girl made me a stronger Boy.

Learned I am the rabbit
Learned I am the wolf.
Learned that strength is born of weakness,
I am born from myself.
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