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  Sep 2014 Blackheat deShanti
It dances in the darkened corners of galaxies,
sleeps amongst collections of brilliant stars.
Sways with the tug and push of merry tides
bringing sweet little shells for someone to find.

Ever patient awaiting its turn in the medleys of planets,
a persistent idea over the linear logic of time.
Its lashes are made of stardust and its aspirations bud with time,
it dreams of the waking world when all is still and silent,
stirs in ebony blankets,
willing the sunlight to dawn and sift to illuminate its opalescent

It skirts the boundaries of a seeking mind,
giving furtive glances of its outline
seducing a victim to fill in the lines.

A tool for an artists' oeuvre.
This is for Joe Cole's creativity challenge which was extremely fun!
It’s a sorry sight to see all mayhem
Kindness is in slumber
For those who are awake in madness
And conscience is a loser
For the rogues revel in atrocities
The monster under my bed
Has created my internalized fears
Still afraid of the dark
Creepy noises
Shadows and such
Internalized fears running amok  
And as these fears collide
Inside my head
I have started to realize
I was always
The monster under my bed
Most of our fears are created by ourselves.
when the world is just a bit too much,
I crawl
to the technology around me.
to find another life to live.
A life
that is unfamiliar,
A story
that is fun to tell,
other than being
  Sep 2014 Blackheat deShanti
I'm still writing poems to you all the time,
Smearing ink off the dry erase board
With the heel of my hand,
So I'll wake up hungover
With black palms and overlapping words
Mapped all over this white board.

In theory all of my feelings for you
Get washed away this way,
Every bottle of wine anew,
But in truth I whisper them in my sleep
And know them still at sunrise
Like it's a surprise after all these years
That I still love you
Like I do
9/21/14, unedited
  Sep 2014 Blackheat deShanti
(Should someone get inspired after reading this poem to compose one with a similar Title, at least she should have the decency to acknowledge the same!)


The sparkling dazzle of those chandeliers,
Transformed the night into an endless day!
And underneath its ignited glow,
The belly dancer's hips gyrated to-and-fro !
With her semi-veiled face and mesmerizing eyes ,
And the rhythmic quiver of those half-clad ******* ;
Her belly button a vortex of tantalizing desire ,
Hypnotized all those assembled guests !
In the smoke filled hall as the drinks went round ,
With eyes all glued to the central stage ;
The music echoing the Arabian Nights , -
Swept them beyond all clime and age !
The Oriental music raced their blood ,
And ignited the night with the heat of desire !
Who knows, before the night comes to an end,
They all may be consumed in that eternal fire ?!
                                           -Raj Nandy, New Delhi.

Notes: I had painted in oil a belly dancing night scene
inside an Egyptian Cafe few years back. This poem was
composed by looking at that painting hanging on
my Study Room wall. If you like it, kindly recommend
this to your friends also. Thanks! -Raj
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