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 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Ramin Ara
One small
Positive thought
In the morning
Can change
Your whole day
Hear the melody that the wind plays as it blows through the reeds of the marsh. Listen to the wind echo as it whistles through the tree tops. Hear the howls of the breeze that rushes down the cracks in the aged mountain that stood before man was. Hear the song of the wind chimes as the wind toys with them as they dangle from the front porch of a family's home. Like a conductor of a symphony, the wind directs many songs and plays many tunes on various instruments. In a harmony that we seldom respect or take time to enjoy.
elm branches dance*
to the tempo of the wind's pace
elm branches dance
their leaves caught by its light trance
which has the daintiness of grace
swaying like a whisper's embrace
*elm branches dance
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Just feeling helpless
Its not that am suffering too much

But am helpless
As I couldn't take away the Rich
Pain of my lovable hearts
Dear Priyanka, just I will pray ever for you
We brave uncharted waters
on boat with crumpled sails
We float where it is hotter
but that's another tale

We lose ourselves on purpose
in storms and surging waves
We dwell upon the surface
but it's the depths we crave
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