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izzy 4d
i yearn for the sweet release.
it sounds fake or quirky, i know
hell, i even make it a part of my humor,
but deep down,
really deep down,
i can’t escape it.
the feeling of waking up,
moving along with the day;
i cannot live
wishing i was dead
therefore i think this is it.
my final curtain.
my friends
my family
were never to blame
in fact, i’d say they made it
a little more entertaining. life that is.
however, when talking about
“death” you get the same speech
“you’re young, you’ll never understand”
“you don’t understand true sadness”
they never truly see your side
you could have felt these feelings
since forever
but no one truly understands
nor do they care.
you have to go through with it right?
no one can save you now.
no one will be your light
unless you pull back the curtain.
pull it back and let the stage lights shine through
for when you finally see your audience
the people who love
you will finally feel that bit of
even if it takes a while
you will find your peace
and i will find mine
izzy 3d
i sit here, waiting
waiting for the right words
to come to mind.
what could i even say?
you’re gone.
not the dead kind of gone of course,
the gone that makes me never contact you
the kind of gone that
makes it hard to look in your direction
i never truly expected you to be out of my life
well, not like this at least.
you were the one person i trusted
with my whole heart too, you basically had it in your hands.
now that it’s over however; i see
every red flag that was hidden from my eyes
i was blinded, but this time not by love
this time is so very different.
you were my friend, the one i trusted
the most.
now, every memory is fading away slowly.
i doubt you think of me
but i will always remember you.
izzy 4d
i am forever scared to fall asleep.
for what if i dream of you?
my mind fills with our old memories
“what ifs” fill my head
what IF things were different
what IF you had changed
what IF i had stopped caring
i can’t sleep for what if i never dream of you
i am horrified with that thought, with the
old memories that fill those dreams,
i lie awake hoping that
it is reality I’m dreaming of
izzy 4d
when knowing me,
you will hear things.
“what kind of things?” you may ask
i’m afraid to tell you, i respond
for if i tell you,
i’m afraid you’ll believe them
“are they true? the things that are said?”
i don’t believe so, no.
i try to block out what could be taken as
an insult by them.
“who is .. them?”
why, you know them, everyone does of course.
they’re funny in that way.
they’re a follower of christ
of course they’re good people. why wouldn’t they be?
if god sees them as good, that must mean they are.
“i don’t think that’s true”
it doesn’t matter what you think.
the term good people,
is created to comfort those who aren’t.
i get talked about, even if nothing was done wrong
but of course, in their eyes, i was wrong
wrong for living? maybe
maybe even wrong for not giving the
attention they wanted
but even then, they follow god, our god
if they confess their lies and unfaithfulness
to the man above
why does it matter how i feel?
it doesn’t
it never will.

— The End —