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F    Sometimes the words get in the way So I re-read, I revise, I edit... and I believe it helps © Renae Arias
25/F/here, there & everywhere    it's just words after all
Mo Gee
Ryan Fiore
Pennsylvania    We Are....Penn State!
22/F/Lost    "One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums
23/F/America    Child of God. Wife of my best friend. Desperately trying to be who I was made to be.
Allen Wilbert
florida    you all can find me on facebook allen rhymeaholic wilbert and please buy my 1st ever book will rhyme for food on amazon barnesandnoble ebay ...
frivolous treasures
ohio    life is an embryonic project full of illogical reasons and beautiful insanities
Kylie Wallen
Chelsea, MI    “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt I kinda hate myself. Just a wee bit. Uhm I like ...
Tracie Bulkley
Idaho    I started writing in Junior High. I had recently read Bridge To Terbithia. The ending had made me furious. The fact that the girl -died-. ...
Land of Nightmares    I write to cope with memories of a childhood filled with abuse. Even after 30 years a sound or smell can make me become a ...
far away   
No one will ever love you as much as an artist can , even on your worst days they will find poetry in the knots ...
I write to make people think, to move them, to stir emotions they didn't know they had or thought they lost. My writings have purpose ...
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    Dear World: You forget, but we have long memories. We are the eternal nation. “Is this who you are, is this how you write? With ...
27/F/with the sirens   
Boise Idaho    I actually suck at writing.
Anderson M
"When you can't live each day as a work of art, live them in preparation of The Art." Thanks for reading... All rights reserved February ...
Timothy Kenda
Worcester    When all else fails, you have to set yourself on fire.
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
Shari Forman
New York   
Jennifer Arbo
manila, philippines    im a chemist, a teacher, occasional bad/good poet, explorer of the strange, wonderful and plain weird, semi-mediocre photographer,star gazer.
Sharina Saad
Malaysia    Poetry is about love Poetry is about life Poetry is about experience Poetry is about memory Share a line or two words from the hearts ...
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