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 Jan 2015 BAM
You Are
 Jan 2015 BAM
You are your heartache
You are your mistake
You are your destiny
You are your catastrophe

Your thoughts are your poison
Transmuting to mindless action
Your words your dagger
That yourself can only conquer

You are the world you create
You are the answers you await
Be your own mentor, hero and friend
For the one who makes your life is you
In the end.
 Nov 2014 BAM
Ashley Browne
dad left
for his second tour of duty
on my third birthday

mom kept
a jar full of jelly beans
on the living room coffee table

every night
she gave me one to eat, saying
"when these jelly beans
are all eaten up,
dad will come back home"

i would sneak another,
to help dad come home sooner

one night
the phone rang
and i watched mom
wipe away a tear
as she filled
the jar
On this Remembrance Day, I think of all those who have served, with a special thought for Dad.  And though she has no medals, I also think of Mom; every tour of duty Dad went through, she went through too, taking care of us on her own.

*** Edit: Thank you for all your kind words!  Due to a recent outpouring of sympathy, I feel it necessary to clear up the fact that my dad did in fact make it home from this mission; his tour had simply been extended for an additional 3 months.  Still, it isn't easy being part of a military family - and that's what I meant to show. ***
 Mar 2014 BAM
the imp of wisdom
 Mar 2014 BAM
he who knows..
he who speaks..

laughing all the time
disobeying every law
even the great-king laughed
till he retired for five centuries
to meditate

the imp of wisdom
with coat of gold-brocade and mint-lining
never crawled but crashed
all parties with *ephemerated
with banner held high, he spread mirth
but the jay-lord's son was not amused
and challenged the magic-monkey
who blew but one hair-strand to duplicate the view
and the foe fought hard against the wind
which made one **** and disappeared

there he was.. up on the beam
munching joyful an apple to the core
and ire met his glaring eyes
he lifted a large vase and forced fire inside
and sent it forth
but excellent skills of the hermit shone
until deception caught him by surprise
ugly lies and secret art sent the baton flying
into malingering-oblivion
and left the imp banished into stone
mockery petrified
and the staff traveled on, alone
where it spins to this day
until it finds a worthy-hand
to catch its portent, embossed with ancient-lore

but the player of the lyre spun a thread to turn all heads upside-down
spinning a feline-twist
smacks them with tight silver-aglet'd tresses
and sends the hunters onto a new trail
of unspeakable dangers on the Fifth-Pathway
a hooded rider on a steed so fast
outruns the stallion over a cawing-hill
a silent-temple starts humming olden-prayers in tongues-forgot
to a drunken-master
calabash-mug in the hand of an expert
pretense hard at work in the grey-dust

both holding onto the same thing
makes sharing one swish of a horse's tale
a miniature-masterpiece sways obstinacy
interceptor-serpent too languid to trap the crab
silent riddles stretch learning to land at the waterfall's feet
its power majestic, yet freeing

empty your cup
pour anew
there's half a shadow beneath the bridge
the one you must cross
take finest-care now

S T, 1 march 2014
just a silly piece..

sub-entry: protect yourself

read the letters on the wall
now.. duck!
 Mar 2014 BAM
 Mar 2014 BAM
With the first bite of the frost you come to me
Quiet and cool as you awake from the warm haze
I watch you dance in the shadows
I embrace your light
Watch it drip off of you like fire
I taste you on my tongue
I feel you in my breath
You are vibrant
I am kicked around
dragged on the ground
folded into a crinkly mound,
yet I have the warmest embrace
that's the most profound.
 Mar 2014 BAM
Liz Humphrey
I looked today at pictures of us:
talking, in a group of friends laughing,
in a crowd standing, our heads bobbing
to the music of the moment.
So many moments, you and I,
yet not once, not one time
did you stand by my side,
did you put your arm around me,
did you look at the camera and smile wide
to capture a moment only meant for two.
Years later, this tells me everything I should have known.
It hurts to realize how little someone actually cares about you when that person means the world to you. Sometimes, this realization comes much later than it should, while you're looking through the pictures. Time doesn't make the hurt any easier.
 Mar 2014 BAM
BB Tyler
Smoke Smiles
 Mar 2014 BAM
BB Tyler
Not to be seeking,
and so not to be finding,
suffering in pain
Some sort of
passive *******
Middle ways walked,
horizons stalked,
endlessly into the distance.

Smoke Smiles,
No Resistance,
 Mar 2014 BAM
William A Poppen
Fingers do a resolute tap, tap
on leather sofa arm.
Eyes shift upwards as
she enunciates each word
“I should have screamed

No longer does she live
like furniture
in a summer home,
hidden and covered
except when needed.

Newborn screams pierce
her coverings
and erupt, signaling
an end to her pretense.

Weary of repairing
other’s battered armor,
she hammers out
her own dents.
* for a friend, inspired by a friend.
 Mar 2014 BAM
Natasha Speaks
Topsy turny
Empty, shattered, hurt, abused
Love sick
But searching
Broken hearted with a grin
Trying to fix the bruises
With the pleasures of sin
Playing hokey pokey
Jumping in and out
****** up mental
Needy soul
Aching lonely heart
Comparing every savior
To the source of my demise
Trying to find another
That sees me with his eyes
Trying to find another
To hold me in his hand
Shove me in his pocket
Take away my grin
Trying to find another
To treat me like he did
Though everything he gave
Brings me back to here
Searching for a dove
Aching for a pleasure
Heard someone call it love
Brushing off the good ones
Causes they’re not like he was
Holding on to hope
While playing blind to just
Being happy
Being free
Sharing in a world
That brings me so much pleasure
Where I am understood
Where I am respected for simply being me
Where I can see me in his eyes
And he sees him in me
Searching for a token
Trying to survive
Trying to escape him
Trying to let him die
See he’s no longer with me
But I feel him deep inside
Saying as long as I’m within you
You’ll never be alive
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