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 Mar 2014 BAM
Amy Grindhouse
Every razor thin
scarlet slash
is another
broken promise
sparking across a prairie -
Brought to life
as consuming fire
becoming merciless discord
in a broken tooth wasteland -
This upside down world where nothing turned
out and we’re just wandering -
I drift dragging drudgework
fish hook chains
in sidewinder fashion nightmare
searching eternally ****** rivers deprived
of justice on scales and fins -
I'm trying to understand
so I can stand myself
and stand on my own
so nothing owns me
but the last time I saw something real
was you -
You were trapped in a sterile lab coat reverie
your tears stinging traces of honeywine and blackmail -
I remember your hands still so delicate
even with wear from bleach soaked
loyal test subjects -
Those siren voiced synths that are
getting harder and harder to spot
but you showed me how the seed numbers
reveal patterns as revealing
as their camera flash gorgon clothing -
They're just too typically perfect
and in that false perfection
total ugliness -
In the moments not framed by bloodlettings
and love letters
I am ****** to hear the constant rattle
of the existential conundrum corps
Keeping time with a self-loathing decadence -  
Filling my mind as I root
through Faustian bargain bins
trying to reclaim that time
you first let me hold you and
my mind just...

 Mar 2014 BAM
I'm afraid to fall asleep
Because if I sleep
I'll dream
And if I dream
I'll dream only of you
Not of the way
That your smile is beautiful
Or the way that your laughter is contagious
No -
Instead, I'll dream
Fatal accidents
Yes -
The way you'll jump for your escape
By leaping from your chains
Or the way you'll jump for your life
By leaping to your death

Off a heightened building;

Or the way in which
You'll drag me down along with you

*Because I can't live without you.
And I hate the fact that I hurt you and that you'll never forgive me, and that's why I'm tearing myself apart...

Written 10/3/14.  21:27
© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 BAM
I am 26 letters more empty,
Than I was yesterday.
This world is the constant dripping of a tap,
Drilling into my skull one millimetre at a time.
This world is safely wrapped in bubble wrap,
Beautifully shattered from the inside.
We have thousands of bubbles to pop,
One god ****** pope at a time.
Interfering personal spaces,
Dancing wildly on the edges of dust.
We sit and rust on O2 particles
Kissing dreams of lust as our bones cuss.
Well, school homework turned into this. You're welcome.
 Mar 2014 BAM
Dag J
 Mar 2014 BAM
Dag J
twinged and dulled
we free our minds
in what seems like a
slow motion replay of
tinted white noise
© MMXIV by Day J
 Mar 2014 BAM
v V v
I don a dark cloak most days
its been this way
ever since I can remember

and like a vampire
without a reflection
I have no shadow in light.

the brighter the day
the darker the black
cloak upon my back
clinging so tight,
won't let go
morning noon and night
I don my dark cloak
but will not fight it

I have grown accustomed to
the weight

your father was different,
stronger, less susceptible to
the donning of dark cloaks,
I never met a more noble man

he fought his fight
without complaint
and in the end
I hope to think he
left this world
in peace

we stood quietly
at the head of the bed and
you stroked his hair,
we knew the time was close,
I leaned down and whispered
“I promise to take care of her”
and immediately knew
it was the right thing to say.
A small tear appeared
at the corner of his eye,
he smiled his slow half smile
and we said goodbye.

later that night
your mother phoned
to tell us he was gone

it seems we spend our days
in search of light,
trying to get to where
the heart might rest,
that illusive,
brightly lit
end of the tunnel

where for some
its pretty complicated,
a generation of
the guilty and the shamed
stuck between desire and fear

where the brighter the light
the heavier the load

for we who have no shadow in light
Special thanks to Sally A. Bayan for encouraging the initial topic of this poem, the analysis of the cloaks we wear.
 Mar 2014 BAM
Pushing Daisies
"Push harder"* I scream,
As your fists attempt,
To regain a pulse,
And send blood surging through,
My non-existent heart beat.

"Push harder" I scream,
As your lips dampen mine,
Transferring fresh air,
And leaving it to inflate,
My corrupted lungs.

"Push harder" I scream,
As your eyes stream wet tears,
But my mouth remains,

Your screaming for me.

*But I can't breath.
I can't breath...
 Mar 2014 BAM
eunsung aka Silas
I'm quick like lightnin'
a flash and I'm gone,
movin' faster than

I'm always movin'
before the light can
illuminate the darkened

Just once
I want to move with
the speed of sound
creating natural dance

The whole earth grooves
to the rumblin' of the sky
shakin' its groove thing
to the rhythm of
 Mar 2014 BAM
I want you
 Mar 2014 BAM
I don't know you
But I want you.
All of you.
I want to hear your voice
Speak warm laughters
I want your hands to
Trace my geography 
To have them laced in my hair
and lock my fingers
I want your gaze
To drown me
I want the bow of you lip
To see how they pout while listening 
I want you
All of you.
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