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Autumn Ehrhardt Jun 2020
Sound blossoms in every room
The air conditioner, then a rain monsoon
The moving of a chair, a rustle in a drawer
Distraction touches me, hard to ignore
Autumn Ehrhardt Jun 2020
Reaching out, going out on a branch
Hard enough to climb the tree
Then to scale the thin chance
Showing the inside of me

Going out on a limb
At such a frightening height
Is daunting romp
On a full moon at midnight

A moment here
A day there
Can evade the best dance
We all know that our dreams
Are a matter of chance

Benounced to none
Yet said to all
Traverse the thin branch
Be scared to fall
Poem about the courage to go for your dreams.
Autumn Ehrhardt Jun 2020
The tension between do or not
Is the cranial puzzle knot
A reason to write
A passion to speak
A need to replicate
A dream in your sleep
A scattered resolve
Is the hum of my kind
Yet some fly through
This excuse all the time
I have recently diagnosed adult ADHD and some of my poetry is in response
Autumn Ehrhardt Jun 2020
I have bits and pieces
Melodies that mix and match
A song is only halved
Patched but to be trashed
Focus is not my friend
It takes a tremendous mile
For me to take on
A full composed surprise
Then to take the reins
I stop to compromise
These songs don’t need lives
And I just want to hide
Pretend all you want
You are scared to feel alive
Autumn Ehrhardt Jun 2020
Are you truly ready for your desire
To become a full burning bonfire
That would mean the wanting
Has been received
Then crystallized
Not just a fuzzy dream
And fuzzy dreams are easier to digest
They don’t need actualization and self-respect
Wanting is just needing and that feels the best
A passion pines a promise token
For my wanting once received
Can’t be a promise to be broken
I am writing 3 poems a day since May 8th. My next goal is post once a day.
Autumn Ehrhardt Feb 2020
The soft cashmere sleeve
Against your cheek
The satisfaction of well shaven clean--
Mary well touched by the air--
Cared, caressed, and savored:
Each little color of the tile counter--
Whilst Mark hung with the scent of razor--
Sleek and shiny,
Their morning time was almost up.
Autumn Ehrhardt Feb 2020
The business of self
Is not your business
But we make others
Our business
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