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 Sep 2016 Diandra Lathifa
 Sep 2016 Diandra Lathifa

our fing-                                 
ers to the                                 
nearest a-                                 
vailable s-                                 
uckers• to                                 
take respo-                                 
nsibility  a-                                 
nd be  acco-                                                         
one really bothers•we                  
do it so well unlike any other•al-
     most a skill that never gets duller•**** hits
the fan, we all look for someone to blame•it's a
hapless situation when we partake in such a ga-
  me•it's become a norm that simply never ends •
it's a nasty situation that makes enemies out of f-
riends•i look at myself and realise that i am no
   different•for i too, have my finger pointed si-
   lent•i too, have erred...warranting reproach
•milling over transgressions my words
dare not broach•sigh...why is it so
that such a habit we can never
sever•think no further...let's
just blame it on......................

human nature•

I used to love you so much
I love to picture you in my imagination
I love to picture us together

But little did I realize
That i'm in love with the you
That were in my head
That only exist in my imagination
The us that I only think by myself

Then I met the real you
The you who full of spotlight
The you who sparkles
The you who has a galaxy in your eyes

You're so close, yet so far
doesn't sound cliche anymore to me

You're too mesmerizing
I'm afraid to see you
I'm afraid to fall for you
I'm afraid to get closer
I'm afraid that I can only picture us together in my head

Where you would never know
Where you would never understand


— The End —