I just want to be the type of person that makes people feel better about things. I want to carry light and childlike wonder and giddy silly things, always. I want to always be pointing out dogs sticking their faces out of car windows and tiny little flowers growing on the side of the road. I want to call out the unique stuff in people and never miss an opportunity to compliment someone’s quirks. I want to sing really badly in the car and tell dumb jokes, not giving a gosh **** what people think. I want to speak like I’m telling the story of the first time I saw a sunset, no matter what I’m talking about. I just want to be excited and glad to be here, even when things hurt. I want to feel it all, but at the end of the day just be so purely me, an odd gal, thrilled to be a kid of the King, still trying so hard to do this life thing.