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ash Jun 2017
Make out with me
At a house party

Kiss me as if
My lips are your last breath
Hold me close
As if I'm your safety blanket
Touch me
Bite me
Do what you want to me
Be my ecstasy
And every other drug
But not just for this one night
Not just at this house party
Be my drug
Be my king
At every moment after
And after
And after
ash Mar 2017
Do I believe in second chances? I think now I do- ever since I met you. Over and over again we stumbled and fell, but our ending is one only time can tell. Do you think we can last, my love? Are these signs telling us to try again coming from the heavens above? I have many questions and I am full of doubt, but don't worry, there is no need to pout. Your dark features are what shine so brightly. Your voice- so deep, travels so lightly. Let's not make the same mistakes this time around. I pray you hear me- let me be your only sound. This time promise me you will stay, and I promise to be the lighthouse by the bay.
ash Jan 2017
I hadn't realized how much everything changed. How the wind stopped carrying your voice when I stopped listening. You were my poison, I was your wine.

I thought time pushed us farther apart,
But instead it only lead me back to the start.
Now you have your own person, your own soul to love. You fill her wishing well with quarters when you barely threw a penny into mine.

We've come to different parts in our lives and I look to the stars in hopes that we cross paths, because after all, anything with you means everything to me.
ash Nov 2016
Here comes that oh-so
Familiar feeling
So familiar,
It's practically embodied
A black crow
Scraping its claws against
The outer layer of tissue
On my heart

It carves itself
It's own name forming:


This black crow will remain inside me
Until the day I take my last breath

What a fantastic reminder.
ash Oct 2016
I enjoy the possibility
Of love
The thrill that comes
When you finally make eye
The tingling butterflies
That you haven't felt
For what feels like a decade

It's fantasia enwrapping the mind
Inhabiting the darker corners
Hidden by cobwebs
And sad song lyrics

Cloaked in mystery and wonder
Leaving your mind to ponder
Everlasting first thoughts

Seeking the truth
Obsessing the details
The fine print
That comes etched in the
Flutter of their lashes

It's joyous to feel this
The anticipation of each laugh
The burn of a long lasted smile
Once again
Inspired by the first 15 seconds of a wonderful song called "Humming" by Turnover. It's great, you should listen to it.
ash Sep 2016
There used to be a light in your eyes
That would shine endlessly in the dark
Holding hope and joy
You never faded

You used to smile brightly
Your cheeks would hurt from all the smiling
They called you Ms. Smiles
You never frowned

You used to be more energetic
Always running against the wind
Hair smelling of sweat and dirt
You were never tired

You used to sing all the time
Loudly from the shower
Disney songs and all
Your voice was never lost

You used to talk all the time
Not loudly, but just enough
From mumbles to jabbers
You were never silent

You used to be happy
Laughing and smiling
Daydreaming and playing.
I used to be.
Not anymore.
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