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It's curious to think how God made me.

For instance, unable to see.

Without tiny pieces of glass.
I mistake a slithery scaly stick,
for a snake in the grass.

While I sit, I hear giggles.
Embarrassed, I advert my eyes to the squiggles,
on the white lined pages in front of me.

I struggle to read them.
Finding mismatched words such as, "broplens" and "selvc".
Sighing, I place oval framed glasses over my eyes.
It's my turn to laugh as I look to the sky.
I read the page again, noticing I have "problems" of my own I need to "solve".

Instead, I lay down in the prickly grass,
appreciating God for the way He made me out to be.
Happiness spreads.
Her little light creates a warmth.
It fills my heart.
Her hand is enclosed in mine.
I squeeze tightly, to convey my love.
Her mind though, couldn't comprehend the weight of this action.

When she's sad,
her beautiful blue eyes become a little more grey.
I wish to never see her eyes this way again.
Vowing to spend my days with my little blonde girl.
I've met many challenges.
They think it's fun to trip me in life.
Laughing and gloating as they float away firmly planted on my back I stay.
A shadow crosses my face.
Shutting my eyes tighter, I prepare for another failure.
To my surprise, this challenge helps me to my feet.
Gently, it tells me, with kind eyes,
"you've got this."
You'd think it silly.
But your opinion doesn't matter really.
As kiddies shout with glee,
from this place I wish to do nothing but flee.
The sun is shining bright.
It reflects off the water.
As I stare down with spite.
Happily splashing around,
they beg me to come have fun.
Not realizing I'd rather run.
Comfort, for many, is found at home.
Walking into the warmth from the frozen air outside.

This house, it's consumed in ice.
It's where the Ice Queen lives.
Refusing warmth for her numb subjects.

This ice palace has never been a home.
Unsustainable for the warmth we crave.
Desperate for the Ice Queen to release us from her hold.
But no difference can be made.
The Ice Queen likes to have her way.

As days pass on,
the subjects become frozen.
Unable to feel.
Ice crystals envelop our hearts.
Until it fractures.
This palace will never thaw.
This is what the Ice Queen feared.

She is alone...
with only the cold to keep her company.
'The calm after the storm' has new meaning to it.

The calm is the pouring rain at 2am.
It beats up the roof for being in it's way.
Slapping it repeatedly with such a force that I can hear it from inside.
It floods the streets.
And clears the sky of grey clouds.

The storm is you.


With your words.
Repeatedly beating my emotions to the ground.
Slapping the happiness from my face.
My conscience doesn't understand what it did wrong.
It sits inside of me only wanting,
waiting to please.

It seeks to only please you.

Becoming flooded with want of nothing else.
Every other emotion is shoved away, but the grey stays.

Sadly, it hangs over my head like the now dispersed rain clouds.
This one never leaves though.
Every raindrop filled with your voice.
They pelt me.
Never allowing me to become dry.

I thought my love was enough.
Maybe I was wrong.
 May 2018 Ashley Dewicki
Maybe Heaven's only a moment
A speck of a memory on repeat
And we're none the wiser
For time is a concept concocted by fools

And if Heaven's a moment
Then I hope you're in Hell
Strangled by all the moments you'll never get
As the Harpies pluck at your dishwater eyes
And lick the rotten marrow from your bones
Forever feasting on your futile regret
For the future you blew apart
 Mar 2018 Ashley Dewicki
We used to text all the time
We hated texting
But we always wanted to talk
Now my phone is silent

We used to say these cute things
Like I love you forever
And I'll never leave
And now it just sounds forced

We used to always want to sleep together
Talking all night
And cuddling close
And now we're canceling plans

You say your feelings won't change
But our interactions have
These seemingly small details
Feel like everything for me
And being around you doesn't feel the same
Because I know you've been with her
She's probably more fun than me
Especially with all the negative **** I'm feeling
So how can I blame you for bringing her up in stories
When I can barely look at you
Everyday I sit and I stay.
You leave when it's dark.
"Be a good boy." You tell me as you go.
Oh yes, just you wait.
I will show you I can be a good boy.
While you're gone, I look out the window.
It's bright out now.
The man with the bag of letters came.
Don't worry, I barked at him.
Everything is safe.
Across the street, the small fluffy creatures stare at me.
It's okay, I keep my eyes on them in case they try anything.
Most days you return when it's dark again.
I sit, I stay, and I wait and I wait and I wait.
You don't come though.
Where are you?
I wait and wait....
Just like a good boy would.
Light and dark have passed many times.
My food bowl is empty.
When will you come home?
I miss you
It's slowly getting cold.
I wish you were here to wrap your warm arms around me.
I've been a good boy.
I promise.
Are you mad at me...?

Please, come home.
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