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  Oct 2016 Arc
writing poetry, for me, has become like a eating disorder.
although instead of consuming,
i'm the one producing.

each day i strive for this unattainable image,
this glorified idea of what i might become,
and the parasite in my brain grows.

i force my finger down my throat,
causing words to come bubbling up.
and each time they are more vile than the last,
a sour odor wafting from them.

my mouth burns from the acid but it tastes like victory.
because at least i created something.
and i leave my poetry there to rot,
refusing to admit i have a problem.

too blind to understand that each time i do this i'm slowly killing myself.
i'm hungry for something that can sustain me,
but i reject every antidote.
hopefully this isn't a trigger warning,  sorry. ironic enough that this isn't even the one i struggle with.
Arc Feb 2016
universe sends to me a sense of love. This love then conquers the negative energy which uncontrollably resides within me.
Pride takes a loss, and the ego sits quietly surrounded by its own walls unable to reach my soul.
A gift was given to me, and I invite You to share with me this feeling of compassion.
Grateful for the epiphanies leading me toward the stars.
Arc Jan 2016
My mind is elsewhere most of the time.
look into my eyes and tell me what you see.
                                      Is it me?
Am I what you thought I'd be?

Try to understand why I seem so distant
Show some interest in yourself

Play me a song that makes you smile,
          that'll be what my heart clings to
                         when you are no longer near me.
good morning
  Dec 2015 Arc
Tears and mascara make watercolors,
A charcoal coloured liquid maneuvering across my skin...
Illuminating all the cracked lines,
Seeping into my pores, into my being...
Blackening the rough edges within.
Its raining while the birds are still singing.
It always feels like November
In the Land of the dead and dreaming...
I am stuck on repeat.
This nightmare keeps on depleting my hope.
My heart is utterly broken.
Every word left unspoken becomes a poisoned arrow...
A dagger in my throat.
I'm sorry for being me.
I'd take it all back if I could.
Arc Jul 2015
I am content.
The time on my wrist tells me that I exist
It seems I spend the most of it in my dreams.
Of course it's better than having to deal with what is real, because when I sleep I do not feel..maybe.
Surrounded by love on a daily
All your negativity and hate does not phase me.
Eye listen to what is within and really try to comprehend the fact that
happiness does not ever have to end.
  Feb 2015 Arc
M Cannon
Everyday I wear a smile,
Paint on a happy face,
And slip on a coat of confidence
That only I know doesn't really exist.

I pretend to remember the good times,
Ignore the bad times if need be,
And wash my hands of all the pain
That constantly eats away at my reserves.

Only I can see the tears that were cried,
The blood that was spilled,
And the lesions that had formed
From the cuts on my battered soul,
But I can't afford to let others
See the aching inside of me
Because if there's one thing I can't take,
It's the pity of those who've suffered greater.

Then I meet those who haven't known a single trial.
Who go through life oblivious to the hurt
That haunts me everyday.
I long to be naive and innocent,
But its one thing that I cannot
And never will be able to obtain.

So I wear my facade,
Determined not to let it show,
And when the wounds I hide,
Manage to ooze past the walls that I have built,
I **** it back in and pretend it never happened
And everyone goes back to their regular routine.

Every day of my life is a lie,
Because I refuse to let anyone see how much I hurt.
They wouldn't understand,
Nor would they truly care about it.

So I just wear a smile,
Paint on a happy face,
And slip on a coat of confidence
That I know will never really be mine.
Thank you.
Arc Feb 2015
The universe does not scare me, but the thought of choking,
gasping for life,
hands on neck like I'm choking myself,
my only thought being 'I Cannot Breathe'..
That. That scares me.
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