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I Have Given The Kids At Family Christmas, Explosives.

I told them,
"Keep these in your pockets and don't tell your parents you have them until you get home.
If you throw it at the ground it will explode and make a loud noise!
Suprise your parents with them, and tell them
Nick gave it to you".
Then I went to their parents,

"I Have Given Your Children Explosives".
"Wait, WHAT?"

"I have told your children to hide explosives from you until they get home, and to then suprise you with them.
Act scared".
I handed them their own explosives.

"These are for revenge".

One little girl came out while I briefed the adults,
"I just heard that".
I gave her three more explosives.

"These are for staying quiet.
You're on the adult team now.
When you get home,
scare your brother".
Earlier, when I went to the bathroom these same adoreable munchkins Kicked the heck out of the door and kept flicking the lights, so when I came out of the bathroom I had to adult with them and so I said,

"Okay dudes.
So, I love the idea of annoying someone in the bathroom.
That's wicked funny and you guys are awesome,"
"but kicking this door will break it,"
"and flicking those lights will break the lights".
"Now if it were me,
I would put a BIG stereo system or drums. A BOOM BOX!
and blast that at the door!
That would be awesome, right!?"
"But, we aren't going to kick the door".
"And we aren't going to flick the lights, right?"
"Thank you :)".

Fragments only

The broken dream streets

The Nation is gone

And all hopes of     Civility



See You There )


( read our poems !

We are surely on the brink

Of total mass hysteria ! )

We wander the streets

In our filthy underwear

Trying to cram

One more lover

In there



The dependent child

Adulthood is not allowed anymore

In our state of slavery


Bragging about how loud we cry

About really

Nothing at all


Crawling thru the ****** field

If we don't love soon

We are gonna die


Zombies moving thru the night

i had a dream where a girl ate me out and then we smoked **** - or maybe it was the other way around - and it was almost good enough to convince myself to catch a train to see a boy living 3 hours away so we could finish what we started
tuesday 1st december '15 ~ 'i was too tired to **** anyway,' he ******* said ~ it's december, don't you think it's time to tie up the loose ends?
my love
thy hair is one kingdom
  the king whereof is darkness
thy forehead is a flight of flowers

thy head is a quick forest
  filled with sleeping birds
thy ******* are swarms of white bees
  upon the bough of thy body
thy body to me is April
in whose armpits is the approach of spring

thy thighs are white horses yoked to a chariot
  of kings
they are the striking of a good minstrel
between them is always a pleasant song

my love
thy head is a casket
  of the cool jewel of thy mind
the hair of thy head is one warrior
  innocent of defeat
thy hair upon thy shoulders is an army
  with victory and with trumpets

thy legs are the trees of dreaming
whose fruit is the very eatage of forgetfulness

thy lips are satraps in scarlet
  in whose kiss is the combinings of kings
thy wrists
are holy
  which are the keepers of the keys of thy blood
thy feet upon thy ankles are flowers in vases
  of silver

in thy beauty is the dilemma of flutes

  thy eyes are the betrayal
of bells comprehended through incense
i was abandoned in the cold. i grew psychotic as i grew. dont cross my back cause ill go completely insane on you. i run free from a society that is messed up with corruped ideas. every one follows social media exept i go down a new rout antie social freedom. im not a mean person but i am vary SHY. i will disappear to stay away from you finding me. i want to stay away from people who post **** about me. im not crazy

BUT IM SHY AND KINDA INSANE i am not mean but i dont want to get mixed in the wrong crowed if you know what i mean.

i dont need friends i never seen before i live in this world with a cold place in my heart away from the wrong crowed that tryes to **** me away i live a life that is cold and dark away from social media that tears lives apart
im so shy and careful to stay away from the wrong crowdes
I have ideas to express
I mustn't abandon them
I have dreams to uphold
I mustn't fail them
I have miles to walk in my journey
I mustn't diminish them
I have the arts to explore
I mustn't ignore them
I have words to say
I mustn't trap them
My future is approaching
I mustn't dispute it
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