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Arth Apr 2015
Numbing energy courses through my veins
As I lie here sick and still.
Fighting against all this wretched pain
Takes up every shred of will.
I guess every single soul feels the same
Physically, mentally ill.
Death, is it you who calls my name
I see your face here, in this pill.
Fight against the lack of  meaning in the world, how can we be so worthless,
Arth Apr 2015
The will is strong, but the world is relentless
The soldier takes a pill,
His time is long, but the world is endless
A body soon goes still,

Blood goes stale and the spirit leaves
And the people stare and nod
And the angel of life cries and grieves
And understands there is no God.
Everyone fights.
Arth Apr 2015
For the fallen are my friends,
And the living are cursed in misery.
Arth Mar 2015
I have not seen nor yet touched your face
I still know all about your pain,

Wishing to be swept away from that place
But here comes your daddy once again,

Drunk on expectations
Which you failed to uphold,

PLEASE, rid yourself of this situation,
Your limbs are growing cold,

Please, I've told you,
There's nothing I can do

I can't heal those ribs that are black and blue
It's completely up to you,

Your love for things are fading
As he beats you to the bone,

And yet i'll keep on waiting
While we both cry, isolated and alone
Just about a girl.
Arth Mar 2015
So, tell me death
Is this how I shall meet my end?

Laying in bed with deep breaths
Reaching out to you, my good friend

Blood soaked scars down my heart
About to tear my neck apart

Hold the knife against my skin
Death, please, I beg you,
Push it in
Arth Mar 2015
Forgotten romantics write their pains
Black, dead ink online of love lost,
Yet never stop to consider what they gain
fighting for love is always worth the cost

The misery you feel will pass in time
And the memory you know was worthwhile
For the short happiness was sublime
To your true love, the world is worth your smile

But take a moment to stop and decide
What you truly feel deep down inside
Did you truly love them in your heart
Or create it in your head, from the start.
People trick themselves into falling in love, love springs from awareness of what somebody truly is, not the bias thoughts and assumptions that we create in our heads about peoples personalities
Arth Mar 2015
Unravelling into nothing
Dreams and thoughts clouding my vision

Losing my sense of being
Can't seem to make any decisions

laying death-like in bed
While the world spins around on its axis

Pain scathing my head
Loneliness taking its taxes

"if you can dream and not make dreams your master, or think but not make thoughts your aim"
ramblings of an insomniac
(quote off famous poem 'if')
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