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Just Melz
Rome, Ga with DaSH    Message me anytime to chat or collab :) ~27~MADLY IN LOVE WITH DASH ❤❤❤❤ mother~writer~reader~lover~fighter~dreamer~15 years experience~grammar nazi~hilarious~silly~modest~sarcastic~POET ~caring~speed reader~excessive follower~Johnny Depp Fan~long hair~tall~bbw~artist~aspiring photographer~smoker~loyal~honest …
Austin Bauer
Bay City, MI    Follower of Jesus. Married to Brittny. Poet. Songwriter. Twitter: @FreeHaikus & @Abauer1994
18/F/New York City   
Between Midnight and 3am    Sea salt and tentacle love letters scatter into my aromatic wind like snowfall in the Arctic. Prevalent. Soft, sweet layers of flowery smoke linger in …
living to learn, learning to live
Texas    I just write to express how I feel at certain times, for me poetry is one of the best ways we can put our most …
eunsung aka Silas
M/Virginia    38| Gemini | Father of one Beautiful Girl "Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world , today I'm wise so I …
Pennsylvania, USA    I am no one anymore..... someone resides in the mind of this lost soul, this lost body, this lost.. i dont know's just …
Vanessa Gatley
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Tyler Durden
Virginia    I hope you don't regret me
Özcan Mermaid
Moon    I write sometimes or so I try
A Colorado native....born in Durango, living now in Colorado Springs. Retired from Air Force. Interested in non duality relating to spirituality, religion, and modern life.
Devon Webb
Auckland    Follow me on tumblr:
27/F/Not Boston, Almost Hell    ✝ (also known as WistfulHope) Read, message, or whatever • My work is protected under copyright © • HP member since 8-24-14
DC raw love
Alexandria    I write from my experience in life, my past, people that i have met, about death, about happiness, about my addiction to heroin (finally in …
Ember Evanescent
I live In books + my mind    They say you can tell a lot about a person from their biography So I hope mine proves useful in that regard I was born …
Joseph Childress
35/M/Detroit    Writer, Poet, Avid Reader, Lover of Political Science, Astronomy, Ancient History/Philosophy, Theology, HipHop and everything else that keeps the brain growing!
Mark Steigerwald
Virginia    Poetry is my escape.
The Girl Who Loves You
Within My Heart    Just writing what I think, what I feel and everything inbetween. As Poe said "All that we see or seem, is but a dream within …
Dr Strange
Atlanta    The shadows are my home, In an abandoned shed I freeze As I rock back and forth thinking to myself Writing down ever letter that …
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
Muggle Ginger
A human raised by humans.
Kristian Alexander George
26/Other/Spiritual Infinity, θεός    Gender Fluid.
Ronell Warren Alman
Lynnwood, Washington    This is my description of myself and my poetry. My name is Ronell Warren Alman. I was born on Monday, August 26th 1974 in New …
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