My heart is telling me to stay
My mind is telling me to go
My body can't decide which way to go
It's been two long years and a lot of love
My highschool lover, oh how we have come so far
We made a beautiful baby, and we own a beautiful home
We worked through it all, even when you did me so wrong
Everything is perfect, yet I feel as far from happy as I could be
Always questioning myself, wondering if I should leave
I never want to touch you, I know I'm treating you wrong
And for that i' m sorry
Today I smoked my first cigarette
Then a pack, turned too two
I've always been against it
I've reached a low
What's wrong with me? I cannot breath!
I don't want too hurt you
If I stay I may be unhappy, but if I go I may regret it
What about our daughter, she shouldn't be stuck with my problems
I wish I could just forget it
I couldn't bare too hurt you, but i'm hurting myself more
In my mind I'm fighting a terrifying war
Deep down I know my heart belongs elsewhere
But I can't stand too let go
Too throw our perfect life away
But whats a perfect life
A perfect home
A "perfect" family
When i'm unhappy
Should I stay.. or should I go
This poem is not written in proper format, I just needed too let out some stress in my own way