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The Frost of Death was on the Pane—
“Secure your Flower” said he.
Like Sailors fighting with a Leak
We fought Mortality.

Our passive Flower we held to Sea—
To Mountain—To the Sun—
Yet even on his Scarlet shelf
To crawl the Frost begun—

We pried him back
Ourselves we wedged
Himself and her between,
Yet easy as the narrow Snake
He forked his way along

Till all her helpless beauty bent
And then our wrath begun—
We hunted him to his Ravine
We chased him to his Den—

We hated Death and hated Life
And nowhere was to go—
Than Sea and continent there is
A larger—it is Woe—
Lying on the foul bed with her. Her eyes were empty, yet full of liquid. Her cheeks were never light red anymore, however her eyes were. She was so close, yet so distant. With a small voice she whispered that sometimes birds fly far to find their home, and my heart stood still. It was like I kept her in a cage. Trying to make her forget time and progress. Trying to keep her and I still. I looked at her and knew that my heart would never be able to beat again like it did with her. Then I just held her in my arms until the next day when she left me to find her home.
Now I'm homeless and homesick.
From the countless footsteps
I could feel hers
when summer sun was slanting
the day was losing glares.

Oh her lotus feet
how they cooled the burning dust
soothed my spirit
now I tell the story must!

She would wait beneath a tree
to catch a passing song
that breathed her lullaby
stayed with her for long.

When wind hushed the passing note
the darkness chilled her bone
upon her eyes starlight wrote
you are so alone.

She turned the way she came
trod me her lotus feet
hadn’t seen her known her name
but felt her in heartbeat.

One evening she waited long
till the last crow found its nest
she was dying to hear his song
but silence rent her breast.

As she walked my laden stone
weighed in load of pain
I could feel her anguished moan
that fell on me like rain.

She hasn’t come back to this day
hadn’t seen her known her name
only know it’s truth they say
once lit never dies love’s flame!
Growing attached.
I'm not scared as much.
I'm just protecting myself.
Because everyone has left.

Everyone is too busy.
Drafting their own attachments.
Drowning on sentiments.
Hurting over the trivial.
Crying over the superficial.

Feeling so low you just want to disappear.
Along with the gust of wind.
Leaving without a trace.
Lement over the days.

So I distance from pain.
Not a speck to gain.
Out of me or ever again.

I blow all the flames.
So there's no one to blame.

They say red is too hot, and pink is too passive
That orange is too warm and yellow is too sickening
Its said that brown is way deathly and green is all about growing
Blue is too naive and purple is for the royalty

And we have tattooed these bodies with all the colors in our minds
Yet we are still only perceived as black and white
I feel as if it is easier
To leave all the broken pieces
On the ground
Instead of picking them up
And putting them back together
Where they must be found.
And it's okay
if you flinch
every time he moves
his hands too fast

because in another time,
you were just
defending yourself,
and that is all right.

And it's okay
if you still skip class
every once
in awhile

because in another time,
that was the only time
you could catch a break,
and that is all right.

And it's okay
If you stay up all night-
making friends with
your bedroom walls

because in another time,
sleeping meant dreaming,
and all you really wanted
was reality,
and that is all right.

It will all be okay
in the end.

Adrift! A little boat adrift!
And night is coming down!
Will no one guide a little boat
Unto the nearest town?

So Sailors say—on yesterday—
Just as the dusk was brown
One little boat gave up its strife
And gurgled down and down.

So angels say—on yesterday—
Just as the dawn was red
One little boat—o’erspent with gales—
Retrimmed its masts—redecked its sails—
And shot—exultant on!
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