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Is it true what the scientists say
That life on earth will end one day?

I guess that they are probably right
There'll be no day, there'll be no night

The ozone layer is full of holes
Rising temperatures melting ice floes

Will we perish in enormous Floods?
The thought of it just chills the blood

Or will earthquakes bury us out of sight
Will fire devour us without a fight?

Storm and tempest, some folk say
Will make us kneel in final prayer

The forecast? Now  I'll give you mine:
It will end in two thousand and seventy nine

Keith Wilson            June 25 2016
  Jul 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
the Sandman
Everything looks whitewashed
----Against the rain on panes---
---Of glass. Every smile looks--
----Painted on, and stuck in-----
-----Place, fitting in perfect------
----Squares of frozen 4 by 4.-----
  Jul 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
gray rain
Everyone aims for the same thing.
They just have a different things to do that with.
Whether it be music, sport, writing or whatever else.
We all have something, physically or not.
Most choose not to use the things they are have.
They try to use what others have.
Take what makes them unique and for most it leads to both having less.
Because although inspiration is good.
Taking that thing one person has and spreading it umong many.
Makes their thing have less value than everyone else's.
Making their thing cliché.
But does them doing their own thing makes them the original cliché? Or just a cliché because they have nothing original to them? Because everyone else took it.
I was just thinking everyone is trying to be someone they're not and as soon as someone's idea goes viral people try to copy it. People have their own talents there is no reason to do the same thing as anyone else, no matter how much of an inspiration they are. Everyone is different yet we are trying to be the same... sorry if this offended you.
  Jul 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
Expressed emotions
are less powerful
than those that are
built up and let out
at once. They leave
more damage that  
is unrepairable.
  Jul 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
Are you?
yes, I always have.
How did you know?
I just did
So is it like this?
I don't know.
Ok...I understand.
Do you really?
Ye, it's just the opposite. It's the same really.
Just stop pretending you know everything.
I was just trying... to understand how.
I don't care that you don't.
I don't get it.
Exactly, you never will.
When asking questions isn't going to make you understand. You need to stop and think about how you're making the other person feel.
  Jul 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
gray rain
El logro no es importante sí no lo disfruto. Hago algo porque lo disfruto no para ganar.

I should probably stop doing Spanish if I don't enjoy it. There's no point doing something I don't enjoy.

Achievement is not important if you don't enjoy it. I do something to enjoy it not to win.
This is one of the answers to a question on my speaking assesment but 'algo' was 'deportes' which means sport. I don't know why I dislike Spanish so much but I do. There is now two days left and writing about it help me learn.
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