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archwolf-angel Aug 2020
She looks out her bedroom window
and shuts her hazel eyes
she whispers under her timid breath
a little wish inside

He would be standing there
with that charming smile
a wave full of excitement
inviting her along

She looks out her bedroom window
and she opens her eyes slowly
"Please be there."
archwolf-angel Aug 2020
What if it's time?
What if it's a sign?
What if we don't belong to each other?
What if we were not meant to be?
What if... is time to say goodbye?
I am scared. I don't want to say goodbye.
archwolf-angel Aug 2020
Since when...
Did we decide
That words could be sharpened
And used as tools
To pierce into other's confidence
And scrap their flesh of esteem

To put them down
And tell them it is their fault
For what happened to them
There is a difference between constructive criticism and criticism.
  Jul 2020 archwolf-angel
I have never thanked you,
for the conversations.

I have never thanked you,
for the smile.

I have never thanked you,
for asking me how i'm really doing.

I have never thanked you,
for staying alive.

Thank you,
thank you.
archwolf-angel Jan 2020
The stars were gentle...

But they screamed out to me
The tales of fate and destiny

They sang the songs of flaming promises
To remind me
To touch my heart and feel

To remember
The healing touch of the moon
And the warmth of the sun

To live with no regrets
To love with all my heart
To smile like there is no tomorrow.
There is nothing more important than understanding and knowing what you are living for.
archwolf-angel Nov 2019
Disarrayed and wavy
The lines I see

Fogged and blurry
This scene before me

Bless and happy
The feeling within
Nothing else matters as long as you are happy.
archwolf-angel Aug 2019
Living a life
When the voices in your head are a little louder than your own
No one knows
The things you have tell yourself everyday

Staying strong
Because you are expected to
"Don't be a disappointment"
Because it makes people upset

"Fake it till you make it, it works."
She told me
And all I felt was sadness
Because it dawned on me

That everyone lives in fear
Of being the 'let-down'
And we all stopped caring
For ourselves

Because 'we'
Are used
To always
That's why I want to be different.
I want to say,
"**** it."
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