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6.0k · Jan 2013
andy fardell Jan 2013
They say it is an art
It keeps me quite apart
It's never seen as good
Yet happy me not

My grumpy life is good
I see the roses
Tinted love
My sadness makes me happy
From such a grumpy chappy

It is the way to go
The docs do say
It's so
I'll live a little longer life
More grumps i say as I get

I start the day full moan
A grumpiness full drone
It never ever leaves me
My grumpy tree  
Pure freedom

So next time I'm about
Expect a grumpy shout
You'll know its from my heart
My grumpy life
This sad old ****
5.3k · Apr 2014
andy fardell Apr 2014
Dont you ever get tired
Tired of this day and last night
Tired of drinking coffee made from the gravy of a cows ****
Or tired from the vile armpits plastered in your face on the tube

I get tired
Tired of drivers that try and cut me in two like their scissors or something
Tired of so called men in cars with big exhausts and white vests parking in A disabled bay or parent and child when they are by themselves

I get tired too
Tired of all the fake news on the tv about a failed pop star loosening their Clothes whilst kids around the world starve
Tired of politicians telling me how much better off I am than i was 5 years Ago ....really !!!

Tiring aint it
Tired of people always moaning yet seeing them never take a step to Change their life's
Tired of the world in debt to itself from this so called money that doesn't Even exist
I'm tired of all this

Why cant we live together
Why do we do such harm
I want to live in heavens eyes
I want to live the land

Why do we fight for dusty tracks
Such evils are not born
It's time for us to change our rights
I'm tired of all this harm

So tired
4.6k · Feb 2012
dreams of a summer
andy fardell Feb 2012
shadows cast into clouds of sand as footprints leave their mark
voices so full of fun with not a care in this world
summer sun washed over by the crash of thunder
the sea shouting against the shells to your ears

blue whispery skies feed warmness to the skin
as weeks of a worklife pass to say goodbye
ice cream melted to cheeks as tissue lips from a nan
feed a childs cry
this is what we live for in a world so left behind

donuts sugared a thirst as sticky fingers lay ******
fish from an ocean battered or fried to the best ive ever noshed
sounds of the beach washed over me as grandads snores a snort ..
too much lunchtime pie i guess ..deserving resort
dreams of a past ...dreams of another

football played and dogs all wet scenes from a beach
alive still gone red
searing sizzles from a sun at its best as rounders run
or frisbee fetched
photo taken a collection booth ..memories made as dreams come true
dreams of a summer
dreams of a summer
4.6k · Dec 2013
andy fardell Dec 2013
I cannot feel the love thats there
My Christmas failed
Bleak ended
All is fair

No sherry cheer or party grape
It's all inside
The dreaded

The songs I love now rattle hard
Slam the silence
Breath out

The sheep I shout
No more to care
You hear me now
I am

“Bah," said Scrooge, "Humbug.”
4.6k · Jul 2012
A wispy cloudy day
andy fardell Jul 2012
Feel the wind blow its breeze through my face
a wispy cloudy haze
a wispy cloudy haze
suns heat warmed my soul in
my soul my soul
the tinge is turning as this colour fades
from there to here and here to there
a wispy cloudy haze
on a wispy cloudy day
3.9k · Dec 2012
andy fardell Dec 2012
Can you feel the emptiness
Can you feel the pain
It's there be that inside of you
It's there for all to see

Feel it in your dreams
Wanting breaking free
Can you feel the emptiness
Can you feel the pain

Family,friends and lovers
Old faces lost to sand
Can you feel the emptiness
Can you feel the pain

Lost and gone forever
Never to be seen
Can you feel the emptiness
Can you feel the pain

Pictures from another world
Times from long ago
Memories held for evermore
Can you feel the emptiness
Can you feel the pain

Emptiness has its hold on you
Tears wet
To dry a bleeding heart
Yet nothing hides my hollow eyes
I feel so full of emptiness
I feel so full of pain
3.5k · Jan 2013
My Living
andy fardell Jan 2013
This misty grey day
Looked back at me
and smiled at the sight
See my reddened brown eyes

Joy in my head
As my neck suffered another
crashed out night
On my pillow made of lead

Toss to the turn as the sleep monster says
"no sleep for you boy awaken the dead"
Awaken the dead ? I thought
As my head lolled around
Thoughts of another night
Lost to no sound

Aches to my bones as I shudder the sleep
Fall at my side
Fall as a heap
Sleep please forgive me as I bid you farewell
Another day started
My living
My hell
3.5k · Jun 2012
The seaside
andy fardell Jun 2012
The dreamy sea washed ashore bringing
little bubbles of life to its end
Children splashed and jumped as wave after wave fell in
Bucket and ***** at the ready as castles from the sky
formed from minds in youth and fairy tales
Cream at the ready as grandads cap retreats  
crisped from the comfort of his strippy deckchair he waits  
Mothers blankets blown from the wind held down by
a shoe to be lost and a stone found yet not cast

These were the days we remember
These are the days we forget
These are the days to be treasured
A fine sad old memory from a past we most had    

Ice cream sounds calling at fathers request
Is grandma still yawning from bingo's night fest
a donut for mother all sugared and warm
don't forget Charlie as woof is all heard
A match game of cricket from children about
or footy at lunchtime sweet sand in your mouth

These were the days we remember
These are the days we forget
These are the days to be treasured
A fine sad old memory from a past we most had  

Asleep from the sun and a sneaky quick pint
as dad tries to doze be free to unwind
A call for 3 strikes as rounders is found
hear grandad all snoring more cream to be crowned  
Tis time for a dip to twinkle your toes
to jump back a mile oh blimey its cold

These are the memories all children should have
a time when no phones when a time wasn't planned
No little computers to spoil the day
just fun and great memories of children at play
A time when your family all joined in the fun
a shame we have lost this to greed and the sun
3.5k · Dec 2011
Oh Santa be good
andy fardell Dec 2011
ohhhhh..... santa be good to me this year
ohhhhh..... santa i love your fluffy beard
ohhhhh..... santa i sent you my big list
ohhhhh..... santa i sealed it with a kiss

on Christmas eve the big man knew he had a job to do
he'd worked all year to fill his sacks and bring some Christmas cheer
his elfs and freinds had wrapped and wrapped until it was all done
now santa's night is nearly here its time to have some fun

ohhhhh..... santa be good to me this year
ohhhhh..... santa i love your fluffy beard
ohhhhh..... santa i sent you my big list
ohhhhh..... santa i sealed it with a kiss

Now children listen did you do good and be a star shine bright
Now children listen did you do good so santa comes tonight
he knows you know the ones that show a love and care for him
its santa's secret so he says ....rudolph lets begin

ohhhhh..... santa be good to me this year
ohhhhh..... santa i love your fluffy beard
ohhhhh..... santa i sent you my big list
ohhhhh..... santa i sealed it with a kiss

** ** ** a mince pie please as santa leaves his sack
and dont forget the reindeers food or we wont be back
a tipple of sherry and a note ...saying thanks a lot
see ya next year santa says chimney up i pop

ohhhhh..... santa be good to me this year
ohhhhh..... santa dear i look
ohhhhh..... santa yes yes yes yes yes.. pressies all around
ohhhhh..... santa love ya lots and lots ..kissy kiss kiss kiss
3.5k · Feb 2011
andy fardell Feb 2011
I feel the cold ..the cold within
fightin ,biting..a painless din
creeping slowly yet full of speed
the coldness claws feet retreat

Mind so full of emptyness ..yet spinning ,grasping
faultless youth
hurt inside ..the mad old fool
itching for the real truth
3.3k · Nov 2011
mother nature turns her coat
andy fardell Nov 2011
woken by the stir as mother nature
turned her coat...
wind blown in the new as leaves fallen
fated will.....
twigs scatterd without a care.. branches beaten
all is fair
winter taketh soon be there
frost still wanting freezing out
winters hardeness...
birds still singing
what a song..
time of year this must be wrong
autumn closing feel the cold as
mother nature turns her coat
3.3k · Nov 2012
Poems of Remembrance
andy fardell Nov 2012
Poems of Remembrance

War is defined as a form of political violence however I rather hate to like the following quote by this Prussian military general in 1832

"War is thus an act of force to compel our enemy to do our will."

We vote in our leaders to refrain from such yet allow them to use us as pawns in their world.I will be remembering and thanking all those who have will and do give up their life's so that i can at least be free to make such thanks

Lest we forget

The stench of decay hung in the air
Along with the gases from the badlands
Rain had turned the trenches into another bog for the day
the Sergeant barked his mornin song

Spell broken by the first shell of the morning
lucky day ...BOOM .....lucky day
Breakfast usual as the new boys showed no fear
Hide ya head son as another disappeared
Snipers doing their work already...
A scream now silenced short

The morning hate over
Patrolling life began
SHhhhh!! no gunfire
The 2 sides master plan
Machine guns a ready shall cut you complete
Hand to hand and man to man
Bayonets flash besieged

Returned to base to lick their wounds
A fight amongst the rats
Black and brown did rule the roost
A feeding frenzy plan
The lice did all they could to help
Trench fever did its dance
Another day
STAND TO!!! he barked
We stood with baited breath

This was what they signed for
A short war all at plan
And what did they all die for
This life I thank you man

Lest we forget


A Poppy Remembered

A flower held hand as the young girl
reaches up for her mothers grasp
The reddest of velvet's reflected from
her tears on eyes as her poppy
stands proud and straight

Remember their sacrifice
As you join in their stand
An honour to hold one
Red poppy to hand

She knows why she's standing
She know no return
Her father not here now
His never come home

He fought for his country
He fought for his life
He fought for his honour
His family
Our life

Remember this girl that cries every night
No father to hold her
Is gone from this earth
Yet she is the proudest
A daughter could be
Because of her father
Gave life
For you
...and for me

Poppy day

In between the hills lays a land of green green grass
Where the heavens made their love of life
And gods sung of such sight
Be the lands that they did fight for us the green green grass

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

In battle times and truces found the land did best it could
Yet all of them who fought for us they knew and understood
The green land see found their place to die for poppy's blood
A land we wished we all could live a world of peace and love

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

Someday the land will fill our souls and peace will win the day
The green green land will be our rest god bless to all we pray
In those who fought so we could see the green green land this way
We praise and silence once a year remembrance poppy day


Remember what they fought for
Remember why they fell
Remember all the killings
The living life in hell

Remember what they did for us
Remember who they were
Remember all the people
That they did fight and fall

A day to show our pride
A day to bow our heads
A day to mourn our family
Lest we forget
3.3k · Feb 2013
Sugar Diamond
andy fardell Feb 2013
My my
To touch the sky
To reach out to the moon
To hold the air
Breath out the world
Sing life
We love you so

Take care my friend
My sugar end
You cannot hide
The thought

Sugar diamond high
Yeah !!
Sugar diamond high
Sugar diamond high
Yeah !!
Sugar diamond

Oh my private demons
The way I want to go
They know whats on
My lips

Sugar diamond high
Yeah !!
Sugar diamond high
Sugar diamond high
Yeah !!
Sugar diamond
3.2k · Jan 2012
sleepy sleep
andy fardell Jan 2012
sleepy sleep

sleep in sleep in sleepy town
my eyes need wakey up
sleepy sleep my bed does call
me lids so glued there stuck

look at me at half past three
a hedge still in me hair
eyes so red a cameras light
saucers oh my dear

give me bed a silent night
cos sleepy snooze is me
time to snore and wake you up
me fidgits sleepy sleep  

na na night its time for kip
me bed is calling me
clocking tick soon far away
a dream of dreams i see

rise and shine yet i need more
some sleep will do me good
bags of spuds upon each cheek
come on dont wake me up

sleepy in as sleepy does
im staying where i am
soon be dinner oh thats good
a lay in i'll be dammed
3.1k · Apr 2011
new day
andy fardell Apr 2011
the wind did blow around me so
felt fresh and new to the spring
heat in the sun ..a joyous day has begun

flowers spawn awaken to the dawn
birds so alive ..a noise maybe a yawn
cows make their way ..milk please today
smile as a new day is born
3.0k · Nov 2011
andy fardell Nov 2011
Dance if you wanna.. dance the night away
dress like ya mean it.. dance the night away
boogy on the boogy and day after day

dance dance dance
feeling so so right
boogie boogie woogie
dancing to the right

sing like a superstar ...driving in ya car
sing to the beat ...tapping down your street
hum hum didi dum ..words dont know the means
but dance if ya wanna the night away

dance dance dance
feeling so so right
boogie boogie woogie
dancing to the right

dressing ike ya dad ..laughing on the beer
not like ya lad and pierced his ear
hat ..not cap you say ..cos that aint right round here
but dance if ya wanna the night away

dance dance dance
feeling so so right
boogie boogie woogie
dancing to the right

dance !!!
2.8k · May 2012
Just a little cheeky one
andy fardell May 2012
Just a little cheeky one thats all i said I'd have
and 4 hours on much later's
Me's dying for a drag
aint smoked for like forever
but beer head is in charge
my goggles working overtime
be jeez look at that ****

The pub did so just kick me out
but night i wasna done
me dancing shoes were ready now
its time to boogie on
I danced just like me father
and dancing all seemed fine
until the big bad bouncer said
son you've had your time

I'm wobbly to be standing
and speech a lickle off
me hiccups still aint faded on
I'm on a spinning top
I ate like just some time ago
yet fancy a kebab
with chili sauce to burn my mouth
and payback morning aft

Now lying in my bed of dreams
a world goes spinning by
my head is working over time
I think I'm gonna die
my bucket is beside me
its used and nearly full
kebab and all the trimmings
mmm a boffing here we go

Next morning was the worst of days
with smells id sooner not
a bucket full of you know where
oh god i'm gonna cough!!!!!
My head felt like it's jelly wool
my legs were all a mush
I'd only done a cheeky beer
regrets ??Don't make me laugh
2.7k · Oct 2012
James Bond
andy fardell Oct 2012
A man of no age
See this world be his stage
Subservant his number
This badge be his honour

His country to serve
In sacrificed love
These stories be told
A plot to unfold

A hero so British
This tune we still listen
A fighter of evil
His Q for distinguish

Sweet ladies a plenty
On rocks drinks martini
A drive in an Aston
Gadgets to walther

All baddies behind him
A win every time
As sunsets divine
A lady reclined
The music..........his line

The names Bond
James Bond
2.6k · Sep 2013
andy fardell Sep 2013
There is no end to this madness
A world without a heart
This place that we're called humans
Yet humane we are
We're not

How can we let it happen
Our rulers play us games
A risk
A lie
A maybe if
To let our children blame

So stop the bombs and scrap the bullet
It's us that make them all
Instead lets work on feeding life
And curing all the poor

It's us that turn our backs away
Yet yearn for news in frenzy
See breaking news and nod our heads
I am a prole

It's crazy

They fly around and tell us
To work and love the rules
When war is near upon us
We follow
Who's the fools

Why can we not talk peace again
Unite the world as one
Religion forms
Yet money rules
Where has the love all gone

I only want a peaceful life
I only get one chance
Denounce the rich and share this love
It's time we took control

Let Syria
Have a chance
2.5k · Nov 2013
Poppy Day
andy fardell Nov 2013
In between the hills lays a land of green green grass
Where the heavens made their love of life
And gods sung of such sight
Be the lands that they did fight for us
the green green grass

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

In battle times and truces found the land did best
It could
Yet all of them who fought for us they knew and understood
The green land see found their place to die for
Poppy's blood
A land we wished we all could live
A world of peace and love

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

Someday the land will fill our souls and peace will
Win the day
The green green land will be our rest god bless to all we pray
In those who fought so we could see the green green land this way
We praise and silence once a year
Poppy day
2.4k · Nov 2014
Poppy Day (Remembrance day)
andy fardell Nov 2014
Poppy Day

In between the hills lays a land of green green grass
Where the heavens made their love of life
And gods sung of such sight
Be the lands that they did fight for us
the green green grass

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

In battle times and truces found the land did best
It could
Yet all of them who fought for us they knew and understood
The green land see found their place to die for
Poppy's blood
A land we wished we all could live
A world of peace and love

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

Someday the land will fill our souls and peace will
Win the day
The green green land will be our rest god bless to all we pray
In those who fought so we could see the green green land this way
We praise and silence once a year
Poppy day
2.4k · Sep 2012
Bus 79
andy fardell Sep 2012
Where is my head cos its gone out of here
It went for a ride on bus 79
Where did it go?
What did it see?
The bus 79.... is free
The bus 79 yippee
On bus 79 you'll see

Lets go for a ride on bus 79
Lets go to the ocean for tea
Lets hop on along and sing a great song
On bus 79 we'll be  
On bus 79 we'll be
On bus 79 yippee  

You bring uncle Harrold and auntie Mc Barrell
Fish supper for us by the sea
The bus 79
We'll sing all divine
We'll sing for our supper
You'll see
We'll sing for our supper
You'll see

Lets go for a ride on bus 79
Lets go to the ocean for tea
Lets hop on along and sing a great song
On bus 79 we'll be  
On bus 79 we'll be
On bus 79 yippee  

Tis getting quite late as sun hits the waves
Is time for the bus to go home
The bus 79
We had a good time
Lets sing till we can no more
Lets sing a good song
Come join in the fun
On bus 79 to your door
On bus 79 to your door
2.3k · Feb 2011
whot weekend
andy fardell Feb 2011
So its the weekend ...the deep end
time for chillin ...beerin and feeding our souls
room for sleeping ...wantin and needin time out

watch some footy eat me breaky and drink lots of tea
grab me hangover ...drink some oj me eggy on toast
sunday dinner ...roasty tattys and beef on the bone
Hovis ...salmon sarnies or leftovers me boast

time of argues values and shoutin each out
time for reason ,time for grandpas and cousins to visit afar

So the weekend ..what a weekend
time for monday morning blues
2.3k · Oct 2011
andy fardell Oct 2011
waking to the fresh of dawn my body aches another snore
feel the need for sleep i do ..wakey wakey teapot brew
damm the night that had me hooked.. tv ,beer and loads a grub
just five more is all i ask sleep a little ..alarming bash
2.3k · Nov 2012
Poppy day
andy fardell Nov 2012
In between the hills lays a land of green green grass
Where the heavens made their love of life
And gods sung of such sight
Be the lands that they did fight for us the green green grass

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

In battle times and truces found the land did best it could
Yet all of them who fought for us they knew and understood
The green land see found their place to die for poppy's blood
A land we wished we all could live a world of peace and love

Oh green the land of warriors
The land we all do dwell
Green the grass the layman loves
True paradise be felt

Someday the land will fill our souls and peace will win the day
The green green land will be our rest god bless to all we pray
In those who fought so we could see the green green land this way
We praise and silence once a year remembrance poppy day
2.2k · Feb 2011
that smell
andy fardell Feb 2011
i,d smelt that smell before ...death was at his door
he didnt know it ..yet i could smell it death would have him soon
he carried on as if nothing wrong yet i could smell so well
death was waiting ,panting stinking death was at his door

my nose did linger ,a smell so vile yet memories made me sad
that smell so well... that i knew dealt a deathy blow.. it sent a shiver

he looked quite well but soon would show the stench of ground below
freinds would crowd a grief alound ..showing respect now due
said good bye but did not cry as they melted away like snow
2.1k · Jun 2012
andy fardell Jun 2012
Paradise oh paradise the road to heaven waits
for you and me sometime long way
a dream of heavens place
a sight so found remembered sounds of beauty
and done fate
Our paradise oh paradise the road to heavens place

Such skies of blue a sunsets hue a wonder in our eyes
where we hold hands as dusk commands a heaven
calls the new
Oh paradise our paradise oh heaven be our place
our dream come true for me and you
This hour will be our fate
our road to heaven
our place to dance to love and be as one
Oh paradise our paradise our road to you has come  
On heavens road is paradise a place for us somewhere
a dream come true for me and you
forever our amen
2.1k · Mar 2013
andy fardell Mar 2013
Darkness awaits these wary eyes as
The chorus of the day fills my body
Another town
Another place
Ready for the load
So be my precious

Oil filled jeans edge the way
To my rig of life
Rock to the ready
As music meets music
Mile after mile

Lonely in my solitude
See life pass
Eyes meet eyes never a word said
But a nod feels the same

Call to the phone don't end the delays
Cuts from the cars that never give way
To shouts from a horn
Not looking
My day

Food all a plenty that fills fuller
Sleeps for the bunk
Time wasted
Another life away
Long the day as loading still waits
Another 2 hours
Another delay

Trucking is life
A world on its own
A place for the madman
A place for the lone
Yet all this appeals to me and the few
This world is my playground
I'm here for the view
2.1k · Feb 2014
The Rise Of The Blue Swan
andy fardell Feb 2014
He hid in the shadows of his life
For the world hurt him and all that he wanted
A mind shattered into the shards of hurt that burned
His skin at the merest thought

The blue swan laid low
Like a sunset hidden in the midday sun
Or a full moon ready in the depths of the darkest hollow
His time would come
The blossom would break and his beating wings would soon rise
For he was the blue swan
His pen ready yet she was hidden in the clouds of his uncleared mind  
A mate for his remainder  
Their love
His way

Swan so blue please wake from your bitter
Shine like the kindred spirit you had before the storm
Swan of the day
Love of the night
Your future is waiting
So bright is your fire  
The day has come for the blue swan to fly
So beat like the earth on the run
Rise to the mountains
Shout to the sky
Fly ..
2.1k · Feb 2011
andy fardell Feb 2011
I hate Tuesdays .....
its a pants day.
a none day
a one day

I hate Tuesdays ...
its a new day
the first day
of the week

I hate Tuesdays
but love
Its bacon
roast beef dinner
Hovis bread for tea
and top gear on the telly

everyday should be Sunday

the best day of the week
2.1k · Jan 2012
# cake#
andy fardell Jan 2012
I knew that this would happen
but put it out my mind
I even gave a warning
a madness wasnt wise
yet still you took the cake
and let it turn your soul
the weirdness took your night away
and lost your freind from old
it made me so so mad inside
I really was to pop
but yes i have control these days
so let it all just drop
a shame that we did end this way
I really cannot tell
the cake has got to stop my freind
or god will be your hell
2.0k · Oct 2011
andy fardell Oct 2011
what a beautiful face as i looked her way
she didnt know it that i loved her eh
as she walked my way and spoke in haste
my love for her still grows in pain

what a lovely look from her to me
a look that gave me all i need
that smile that took my breath some where
a look of love fell into air
what touched me out as i felt her skin
electric daggers serious pins
i felt alive like never before
a look of love fell through my door

and now she's mine for ever more
my love my one that i amore
i love her in so many ways
my lover ..soulmate ...inamorata
2.0k · Apr 2011
andy fardell Apr 2011
can you feel the emptiness
can you feel the pain
its there right inside of you
its there for all to see

feel it in your dreams
wanting breaking free
can you feel the emptiness
can you feel the pain

lost and gone forever
never to be seen
family ,freinds and lovers
faces in the sand
can you feel the emptiness
can you feel the pain

pictures from another world
times from long ago
memories held for evermore

can you feel the emptiness
can you feel the pain
emptiness has its hold on you
tears wet.. to ease the pain
1.9k · Oct 2012
A Poppy Remembered
andy fardell Oct 2012
A flower held hand as the young girl
reaches up for her mothers grasp
The reddest of velvet's reflected from
her tears on eyes as her poppy
stands proud and straight

Remember their sacrifice
As you join in their stand
An honour to hold one
Red poppy to hand

She knows why she's standing
She know no return
Her father not here now
His never come home

He fought for his country
He fought for his life
He fought for his honour
His family
Our life

Remember this girl that cries every night
No father to hold her
Is gone from this earth
Yet she is the proudest
A daughter could be
Because of her father
Gave life
For you
...and for me
1.9k · Dec 2011
Happy Christmas
andy fardell Dec 2011
Soon be Christmas ...a special day
lots of pressies from Santa's sleigh
children be good or as they say
no big parcels coming your way

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas

Lights from the tree burn and glow
showing the way for santa to go
children waking from little no sleep
parents craving another 2 winks

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas

4am and Santa's been
all those wishes a dreamers dream
wrapping and squeals in lots of houses
turkey in now sherry starters

Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to all my friends
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to family afar
Happy Christmas Happy Christmas
to one and all
Happy Christmas
1.9k · May 2014
Life Goes On
andy fardell May 2014
News from a friend of time to
So life goes on

Wakened in a  mess
My drunken lack of sleep
Life goes on

Bills all laid in a cluttered fall
House crumbles  
Bones creak
So life goes on

My friend my friend
Life goes on

The birds sang to the raining dawn
People woke
Many took their last breath
So life goes on  

Let your music play
Let your heart be open
Be the one you always always
knew you was
Life goes on
1.9k · Feb 2013
andy fardell Feb 2013
Gluttony feeding from my dreams
Be their faces filled hunger
Waiting for my slip
Lear in their thoughts
For they dribble the fat of the land from their lips
The hungry doth need of food
Be it my soul

I dare not stare
I dare not look
My spine is frozen
My mind is cracked
Feel them crawling within
See my skin ripple from their thoughts
They know my taste
They know my aim
They want to feed
Hunger tastes

The place became the empty
My time was near to move
They waited at their tables
Ready for my doom
A dash this far I nearly got
Yet move I did not go
The hunger in their hypno eyes
This end
My sudden woe
1.9k · Dec 2012
Oh Santa be good
andy fardell Dec 2012
On Christmas eve the big man knew he had a job to do
He'd worked all year to fill his sacks and bring some Christmas cheer
His elf's and friends had wrapped and wrapped until it was all done
Now Santa's night is nearly here its time to have some fun

Ohhhhh..... Santa be good to me this year
Ohhhhh..... Santa I love your fluffy beard
Ohhhhh..... Santa I sent you my big list
Ohhhhh..... Santa I sealed it with a kiss

Now children listen did you do good and be a star shine bright
Now children listen did you do good so Santa comes tonight
He knows you know the ones that show a love and care for him
It's Santa's secret so he says ....Rudolph lets begin

Ohhhhh..... Santa be good to me this year
Ohhhhh..... Santa I love your fluffy beard
Ohhhhh..... Santa I sent you my big list
Ohhhhh..... Santa I sealed it with a kiss

** ** ** a mince pie please as Santa leaves his sack
And don't forget the reindeer's food or we wont be back
A tipple of sherry and a note ...saying thanks a lot
See ya next year Santa says chimney up i pop

Ohhhhh..... Santa be good to me this year
Ohhhhh..... Santa dear i look
Ohhhhh..... Santa yes yes yes yes yes.. pressies all around
Ohhhhh..... Santa love ya lots and lots ..kissy kiss kiss kiss
1.8k · Apr 2014
andy fardell Apr 2014
Cherry blossom lips burned into his eyes
And anger  
Formed sounds that echoed so vehemently

This is real rage
Rage that even the bitter darkest clouds could
Only ever dream to be

Awash me my boiling blood
Feed me my need
Show me your scared
For I will lower my head and let the raging go on

But for what does it serve
A passion for love
A wanting for more
True spirit

Yet I am the wrong
Words should not be of pain
They should be of hope
Encouraged in glory
Wrapped in a heart of fragility

Shamed in my soul I write in shivers
Puddles of sadness at my side
These eyes now empty and red
And I am sorry
1.8k · Feb 2012
the face behind the mask
andy fardell Feb 2012
the face behind the mask ..
hidden from the futures past
sorrow shown but never seen
a saddness followed from a faked out sheen

the look that never came
a hole so missed and never gained
a smile not real but there
a tear not looked but always near

the face behind the mask
is someone close you pass
remember why their there
to hold your hand a love and care
1.8k · Nov 2011
Parpety parp
andy fardell Nov 2011
Pumpa ..pumpa thats all i do
can you hear it .ill give you a clue
stinka ..smelly...parpety parp
that what it sounds like when i do f@#t

see the smog as i open the door
parpety parp ..pumping galore
beans and cabbage help me along
lots of ale ...trumpety trump
pukka pie or chilli kerbab ..
parpety me a smile

pumping trumping thats all i do
wind from me **** ill give you a clue
sounds like a whale from miles away
trumper thumper.. parpety parp

sbd's are part of me aim
but a parp is a much better game
brussel ..stuffing give it me now
parpety parp ..trumpety trump
1.7k · Mar 2011
andy fardell Mar 2011
my eyes stay closed as i awake
darkness staring daylights grace
do I venture into daylight
eyes stay shut into the mist

I hear voices yet move aint there
talking at me still i stare
blackness looking out i see
wishing daylight i should be

doctors.. nurses say all this
yet the dark and blackness lives
wake me from this so called dream
bring me life ..reality
1.7k · Nov 2014
D Day (Remembrance day)
andy fardell Nov 2014
D Day

Amongst us walk the ghosts of our past
Silent screams that shout and hollow
"we died for you"

I look around and bow my head in shame
For I have let their giving be worthless
I have failed

They lost
So that we may have a future
A better place so that us siblings
Can live
Grasp for life
Fade less hate

See the saying D Day is still used today
Yet how many think back to the lives lost
Our loss
Our granddad's
Our family
Their lives

My failure is mirrored in the failure of the world
Religion after religion
Gun against gun
Life fighting life

One day I hope words will be the healer
Language our fighters
And soldiers our builders

One day
Have a better world

One day!!
1.7k · Oct 2011
my world
andy fardell Oct 2011
my body aches a thousand things
yet I dont want a thing
my arm has lost its will to move
the bruise is spreading thin
my wrist is smashed and doesnt work
it failure worries me
an elbow on the end of life
a life about to sink

a mind thats fell away in parts
a shattered living soul
yet on my face a thousand lines
that shows a broken fool
was i so born to end this way
a shame for all to see
but once the end is near ..not far
my world will fade away
1.7k · Jan 2013
andy fardell Jan 2013
Dance all to the moonlight
Dance before the moon
Dance before the daylight
To a fairy dusted plume

Dance all to the star bright
Dance before the stars
Dance before the sunrise
To a sugar coating light

Dance into the dark night
Dance before the light
Dance before the daybreak
To a vampire crazy life

Vampire crazy
Life is for the blood
Vampire lazy
Plasma in the hood
Vampire crazy
Dinner night time treats
Vampire lazy
Darkness I retreat

Feel the moon fall away
As the lightness of day
Stretches over and over
the dark

As a new day begins
So my sleep must come in
As I smolder a sunlight
Until I see dark then we must do
All part
Till we dance to the moonlight
Nights day
Dance to the vampire's way
1.7k · May 2012
andy fardell May 2012
I want to win the lotto
I want to win some dosh
I'm fed up of no money
I want to win the lot

I do all of me numbers each and every week
I'm lucky if a tenner comes falling at me feet
they say its one in lots and lots but I don't really care
cos all i want to say to you is I'm a millionaire  

been saying this for so long now my mates think I'm all mad
this time its gonna be my night... I am the lucky lad
so when you see some flash new car go zipping by your eyes
you'll know the person in it its me with fortune pie

Ill share all of my wealth with friends and family from afar
a charity so close to me a tear that breaks my heart
a set up for a life of good and free of bills to pay
a golden ticket full of dreams today that is my day
1.7k · Aug 2012
Heartbeat like a butterfly
andy fardell Aug 2012
Heartbeat like a butterfly to the winds I fly
see this world from a different sky
I wish and wonder why
see the colours that taste so sweet
smell the flowers feed the breeze

Heartbeat like a butterfly to the winds I fly
in my garden i can see
this love and after life
time moves on yet I'm still here
guarding once our keep

Heartbeat like a butterfly
I'm still here just for you
always find me in your heart
a look out in the blue
Heartbeat life a butterfly to the winds we fly
1.7k · Jun 2012
andy fardell Jun 2012
Black heart beats through the treacle of life
as the outside world hates another day
Solstice moment seals the new
and ends the end life without darkness
Shortest day in battle against the longest light

Chase those shadows away
Chase those shadows away
Oh please oh please
Chase those shadows away  

My mood is fixed no change of heart
Still dark the treacle still pain inside
No change in me yet dusk approach
A shorter start a longer shadow
My heart in sorrow blackened sorrow

Chase those shadows away
Chase those shadows away
Oh please oh please
Chase those shadows away

A shining sun yet cold inside
No worries here as time takes time
A fear not in as life goes by
My blackened heart in pain inside
Please save me from the dark as i reach into the sky

Chase those shadows away
Chase those shadows away
Oh please oh please
Chase those shadows away
1.7k · Sep 2014
The Kissing Tree
andy fardell Sep 2014
Under the kissing tree
Is where we meet
My love
Forever written
Lettered in gold
Arrowed be our heart
One kiss

Under the kissing tree
Our place to hide
Amongst weeping bows
Long kiss good night's
So young in our days
We sit
We lay
Watching shiny stars  

Under the kissing tree
Where I spoke for tomorrow
Said words like
I love you
Fell on bended knee
My love

Marry me
1.7k · Nov 2013
andy fardell Nov 2013
My heart becomes the expired
As love leaves my cry
Each minute fails in a beat
Not biting
Nor bowing to the pressure from the sea of the enlightened
Watch my drift
Watch me drown
Watch me suffer in a pity bore from the fruit of the very land of begun
For I am the weakened
I am the lost
I am the never ending story
Wanting a found
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