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Sep 2017 · 270
mae Sep 2017
You view my self love with a burning hatred.
My body is tainted with a understanding
which you could never conceive;
my body is a home.
My body brings a touch of starlight upon this planet.
My body belongs to me and the women who brought me to life.
So the next time you tell me to be ashamed of my biology
question what you are afraid of.
my **** aren't the thing you should be afraid of.
my mind is the true danger.
Jul 2017 · 759
mae Jul 2017
every time you teach her that masculinity is strength,
you put a nail in her newborn coffin.
because you have taught her that she is simply an extra to a man's story,
she will wander hopelessly trying to find that strength in men who will only give her half-truths.
she will endure pain because she is nothing but a weak willed woman.

every time you teach him that feminity is weakness,
you have tied the noose for his little neck.
because he will always put himself down because he should be a man not a boy and weakness just doesn't fit in that box,
he will never learn how crying is an artform.
he will forever be a boy.

so keep your bigoted ideologies inside and throw away the key,
because the greatest gift you could give to your darling is to be free.
for those who have spent many years questioning gender.

— The End —