As we stroll down the street late tonight
We see two gorgeous women
Turn the corner down the road
Side by side waiting.
They wave their hands in our direction,
And we think nothing of it.
They're absolutely beautiful
There's no question about that.
Of course they must be pining
For the attention of someone else.
Not for my friend nor I
Even though it's exactly what we would like.
Waiting our turn to cross the road
We hear a pleasant 'Hey...'
Looking across the street
They both wave at us.
I could think of nothing else
But to smile weakly
And wave back
-As I walk across the street.
My decent night has turned
Somewhat stale now
With a question.
'Why did they speak to us?'
I would love to have
Talked to them
But am terrified.
Of two beautiful girls??
Why me?
Why ruin my night like that?
Surely I will be stuck awake tonight.
But what if?