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 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
Ramin Ara
Think of nothing
but make honey
I would go through the hurt again
if it meant having you back in my life
I would still believe your beautiful words
even after I have learnt that none of them were true
I would still smile at how perfectly  you constructed them
well aware that the joy was just a thing of the moment
because that short spell of joy was like an eternity to my soul.

I would use the same road whence our
encounter happened,
I would... I would still ask you out
without a single doubt

I would, not because I enjoy pain
not because I pleasure in my despondence
not because I prefer the past to the future
It's because you lit a flame in me
that even after you extinguished our passion
still shines bright... you made me believe in myself
you gave me a friend and made me feel safe
you gave me a whole new dimension
to live my life, the only downside being
you are not here to share in the glory
of my self-discovery.
Is it forgiving or forgetting?
Is it finding another?
or just letting go of the other?
What is moving on?
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
Vaguely I recall
My thoughts before the fall
A world view
So wide yet dim
A simple conformance
To a world I was living in

And you
Chemically produced
Passion induced
Love was real
As real as a pill
Oh how I remember
The thrills

Our eyes
So bright and wide
Midnight moons
Endless summer skies

Hearts entwined
In temporal bloom
Sat in stone
And doomed to ruin

In love's embrace
The fires were fed
In flesh and lace

Memories infused
With the essence
Of gods
But in the end
Love was only a facade...
Traveler Tim
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
There is no fear
In my kind of faith

No hell
No gardens
No castle
Nor gates

No kings
To bow down to
No fiery fate

Boundless and eternal
   Are Traveler's traits...
Traveler Tim

We are all blessed
In togetherness
Here and now
Look no further
Into the dark
For the darkness
See's right through
The transparency
Of every aspect of you.
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