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amelie Nov 2024
you know me; everyone knows me
i am the
well-known girl.
i am friends with everyone,
i compliment every girl i see,
i smile at everyone i make eye contact with.
i am always
i live to make others laugh
i worry for everyone else's safety before i think about mine
i am in every friend group
i know every person in the halls
i deflect and laugh when people ask about me
i am always the first to reach out
i smile when i am angry
i laugh when i am sad
i am the ******* sun when i am happy

but i am also the girl who cries because she doesn't have any real friends
i starve and enjoy feeling hungry
i binge and stick my fingers down my throat
i stare in the mirror for too long and try everything to fix myself
i look at every girl in the lunch line and take note of:
what i should and shouldn't have
what i need to change and keep
i brush my hair obsessively
i look in every single reflection
i go to sleep late and wake up the same way
i smile when it is the last thing i want to do
i laugh even though i am revolted by the sound
i drink water like it is the new Coke
i chew gum until the flavor is long gone
i obsess over anything i can because i live off of distractions
******* in my stomach is muscle memory and
"i'm great, how are you?"
is my catchphrase

do you really know me?
amelie Nov 2024
the moon shines on me as i sleep
i feel so loved
i am someone you keep

the wind blows through my hair
i feel so safe
knowing you and that you care

the flowers bloom their colors
i feel so happy
you and me, for all-time lovers

the sun warms my face
i feel so calm
you leave me in such a lovely haze
amelie Nov 2024
we are the prey of beauty standards

we are eaten whole by the edited pictures and meticulous videos
we are tricked by diet culture and eating disorders
we are swallowed into the stomachs of comparison and insecurity
we are trapped by the constant change of trends and perfect bodies

we are killed by made-up predators
amelie Nov 2024
i'm always a secret
but not the kind that's kept

my name is only said
in whispers,
private moments,
and in your head

i'm only looked at
from across the room,
passing in the halls,
and when i'm pretty like the moon

it's all the same,
people are shocked i know your name

i'm here for you when you need it,
when its convenient

i don't dare wave or say hi
i'll cave before i say goodbye

we've gone through more,
we've been here before

it's not anything new,
it's just me and you
amelie Nov 2024
you're right in front of me
but we're miles apart
stare in your face
while you tear at my heart

mutual assured destruction
we're both ****** up
you can't even function

i say i love you
do i mean it?
you say it back
have you ever seen it?

mutual assured destruction
we're in it for the fun
i don't really care
just hand me the gun
amelie Nov 2024
you've been with me since day one
you've been my hope of finding the sun

you were my person before i knew your name
now I need you to keep me sane

your words were written on my heart when i was born
I pray they never become a language that is foreign

your touch has always been on my skin
how could this be a sin?

you had my first day
and you will have my last
i just hope to God
our days won't pass
amelie Nov 2024
i watched my mom get hit
day after day
and never throw one fit

that was my idea of love:
be blind to the pain
just to keep sane

so when i was ignored
it hit like a kiss
to hear so many lies
felt like pure bliss

when i finally walked away,
the last time they grabbed my arm,
leaving the safe pain,
felt like self-harm

after finding the one,
i finally grew
that idea of love
i no longer know
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