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 Jan 2018 Amanda Shelton
Star BG
where dreams vanish
in minds unaccomplished by many.
And echoing
ghost of ego drowns me out
in breath,
I move with sword in hand.
I step with determination.
I dance with rythems of heart.
I speak in love vibrations.

At a time where I control future
with thoughts dreams blossom,
and freedom is mine.
Just playing in my playground of words.
 Jan 2018 Amanda Shelton
Star BG
The waltz of our breaths intertwine
with heart beating song.
With light that vibrates to guide feet
and eyes that see light
spiraling in colorful splendor.

Moment unfold
in stomping ground of a new year.
Bells chime to celebrate the tides of life.
Magic of love readies itself to launch dreams.

Birds echo.
Dogs sing.
Mother Earth hugs.
Clouds drift in grace.

And we WE all move
like puzzle pieces of consciousness
as cells in Gods mind.
First poem of the New Year that was inspired by the word waltz.
 Jan 2018 Amanda Shelton
Star BG
Handing a blank slate
The Divine proclaimed...

"Go off to the realm of Earth
to construct a lifetime
as your heart plays song of love.

Feel the oneness,
as you connect to the magic.
As you decloak false chatter of ego
and feel light and love.

Experiences will be fuel.
Feeling your compass.
Wisdom shall flow.
Gifts will arise.
And wind shall provide hug
to ground.

Thusly, the stage will be your’s
to dance, run, cry, and laugh,
holding a pen in hand.

Do look yonder
won't you to the blessings
and to the visions you create
making moments worthy to scribe
as a poet you be.

A poet you be.”
Mongi supplied word blank slate and this poem was born.
 Jan 2018 Amanda Shelton
Star BG
Flowers of stars
in fields of night sky sway
tickling behind visionary eyes.

They shine like diamonds
coating eyes with their magnificence.
They echo to heart that sing
as rhythms carry wishes.

Man in moon adds to
moment by smiling
to usher in the love
pulsating from universe.

Gods love flourishes
to make me sprout etheric wings
to fly in a breath of peace and prayer.
Inspired by VS  A grand writer who I honor and respect. Thanks
 Jan 2018 Amanda Shelton
Star BG
I believe
Peace is our birthright,
and Love our essence.
So... why not celebrate inside waves of a New Year
where the old walls of discontent crumble
and WE move with joy.  

I believe it starts with a thought,
a vision, a dream
then action threaded with
love pulsations from heart.

I believe
Harmony is our birthright,
and Divinity our essence
So... chose to vibrate to celebrate the
gift We all are
and live in a garden of light.
Inspired by  chat with A-L  Thank you
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
What is it, to be passionate?

It is to feel a love for something
So intense that love is no longer
A strong enough word

Now some may argue
That it doesn't get stronger
Than love

But love is a word
That has been thrown around so much
It has begun to lose its strength
And only is it regained
When the word passionate
Is put before it

Because passion comes before love
At times where we don't feel the love
We usually do
We stay because of passion
And that is what motivates

Whether it is felt for a person, place, or activity
We may fall in love
But for those brief moments we may fall out
Passion still remains
The first thing that happens
is the world collapses.
That is, it reduces down
but only I seem to notice.
Everything becomes flatter,
the depth stripped away
like rotted lumber,
like when they gut a building
but leave the historic facade,
and I feel like I'm limping
postcard to postcard
until eventually like I'm peering
into a discarded diorama,
where everything is smaller
than it should be,
the crudest copy of itself, and
everything is bounded
by shoebox limits
I can sense them everywhere.

The second thing that happens
is that I avoid everyone.
I avoid my mother on Christmas,
I can't look my therapist in her eye,
I cancel a date because
I can't handle the contact.
I touch my skin and it's like
touching paper that's been creased
hundreds of times -
old pulp that frays and splits.

The third thing that happens
is that I lose interest.
I put in whatever minimums
the day requires
and not a scratch more.
I put my mail aside
and watch crows
gather on the branch,
facing the valley,
black eye to black eye,
base wings folded against
the sleek unbearable body.

The last thing that happens
is that life cheapens.
It's hard not to notice,
since the papers and the news
and everybody's phone
blasts forth the parade of death.
No one is spared, children,
animals, the happy, the hale.
And soon these thoughts -
that life ends without reason,
that God has retreated from the world,
that no step is worthwhile -
begin to bleed in my head.
They lead to the paralysis
of a patient wrapped in gauze,
leaving only the eyes free to move
and notice the great black wing
that scythes into the valley,
feathers dark as stout,
the sun setting in its usual
incompetent way, the wing
so graceful that it might be
the only beautiful thing,
falling out of sight,
into nothingness,
down the *****
into the stale dusk,
into the exact center
of a limitless depression.
The fallen leaves
in the graveyard
look very lovely
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