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Time passes so slowly when your waiting,
waiting to move on,
and out.
Emotions come and go,
a falling feeling in my stomach,
reminds me,
I'm looking the battle.
I scratch,
and search frantically,
I must gain control.
I will not start over,
after all my progress,
I refuse to start over.
But the waves keep crashing,
and I am sinking.

As the first snow falls to the ground,

it leaves us housebound.

The whistling silence that lives outside,

from this I must hide.

As the fires breath gives us heat,

this is where we meet,

brought together through simple circumstance,

I look out as the snowflakes dance.



goes the unhinged doors,

the storms hunger begs for more.


goes the broken branches,

for a second our blood flow stanches.


The eyes of the fire jump out,

for more firewood it shouts,

this beast we must keep at bay,

it's the only way to make the warmth stay.

The hunger that is outside, and that that is in,

one so cold, the other burns the skin.

From these to poisons we must choose,

oh this winter we are paying our dues.

I think of spring and all it promises,

but all I can hear is,

My first real attempt at a rhyme scheme.
I  miss my innocence,

I miss not understanding,

I miss ignorance.

Once upon a time,

I knew very little,

and I was happy.

Once upon a time,

I feared ignorance,

because I knew I possessed it,

and I was happy.

Once upon a time,

I loved,

and lost,

and it made me,


Why do you fail me?


Why can't you say just

The letters spun into a web,
words dancing,
clouded emotions found and solved.

Finding human connection through your struggle,
sing of the love I have,
and I hold so dear.
That I fear to be clear of what I hold here,
for I want nothing more,
than my Dear.

Chant for the friends,
who hold me down,
and build me wings.
Keeping me moving forward,
if only for a little longer,
with them.

Call for the family,
that I never feel I have found my place in,
never knowing,

Never quite understanding,

Finding that,
                        feel. And that's okey.
Kinda all over the place, I need sleep.
Never have I heard of words so sweet,
these words that strike my heart offbeat.

Though isn't it crazy,
oh so it seems,
that you are also,
a muse to me.
Everytime I see you,
I can feel your hate,
your jealousy,
green runs through your veins.

You push everyone away,
you make us hate you,
because you love to be miserable.
Nothing pleases you more then being pitied,
you feed off of it.

Always having that hardest life,
the hardest time,
trying to compare everything,
wanting to be the best at something.

If you can not have his love,
at least you can have his attention,
if only for a moment,
the thought of you shadow thoughts of me.

I know how you work,
I've seen it before,
I see your motive,
and your thoughts,
you are no longer a mystery to me.

I reached out an olive branch,
even after all the pain you put me though,
and you lit it on fire.
Watching the flames dance,
as your face lit up with glee,
you hurt me again.

I now battle with my own demon,
I can not rememmber the last time it reared its ugly head,
but I promise,
I will stop wasting,
my energy,
on you.
I wrote this in math class instead of doing math...

— The End —