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alex Dec 2020
Since i've met you Aydan,
i havent been able to get you out of my head,
your voice is always on repeat,
making me feel like death is just a memory
that I once had but faded like my childhood
you made me a better person,
once i vist you in england,
im going to ask you for your hand in marriage
i hope you say yes
alex Dec 2020
sometimes death is something you wish for but it doesn't happen.
it is like a love you once had,
you don't stop loving them but you don't love them as once before,
I used to love myself but it started to fade away like a flower in the winter,
it dies till spring brings it back.
a feeling i've had for a while;
many would say that i am sad but kind others would say im happy all the time but my friends and girlfriend know that others see only the surface
alex Aug 2019
somethings are a certain way
somethings are a better way
alex May 2019
you know when you get in a fight with someone you love?
though they aren't the ones talking?
but you still feel their presents everywhere and still able to smell them too...
well i have a empty feeling, my day of crying
staying away to not make my days worsen
making it worse for not talking to anyone
feeling that they dont love me
though they are ****** and sad
i messed up bad
i just wanted her to feel safe
with the gender she prefers
i'd die for her any day of the week
just to see her safe
alex Mar 2019
another one for the ****,
another one for the thrill,
another one for the lies,
another one for the ties,
another one for the love,
another one for the clove,
another one for the dark,
another one for the ark,
another one for the life,
another life that gone today
alex Nov 2018
All my walls were down
But now they are back up
I gave you my love
and I thought it was enough
but I guess you believed in the lies
Now I’m just as good as a bag of flies
Worthless to those whom know nothing about me
Worthless to thought whom know me
You broke me
Are you proud
I wanted to drown
I wanted to be six feet in the ground
But I need to be there for my family
And for my true friends that are left
I ******* cared about you
But know I just can take it anymore
I can’t be in the same room as you
I can’t look at you
I want to go and cry
And wish that I wasn’t alive
ever since Thursday I’ve been crying
And I just want the pain to stop
yes I’m the one who turn the note in
And I don’t care if your mad
I just don’t want you to do anything stupid
Because yes I ******* still care
Even if I shouldn’t
when we were younger you protected me
Now its my turn for you.
i need to get this out of my head
alex Nov 2018
you said that i manipulate
but i've been in those in the past
i didn't even know that they were doing it
so tell me what i did, tell me why you think i did that
i trusted you and you threw it away and i can't trust anyone anymore
you said you loved me was it all a lie you wanted it to last forever
you wanted to get married and i had it all planned out  
you had the ring coming and then you listened to everyone
who was against me and hated me for a stupid thing i said
i wanted to marry you, i still do but you don't believe in me
even if you hate me now i still care for your health
i still love you and everything you do
but i want you to life and not die
you are still my friend even if i'm not your's
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