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Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Dear you
Alexandra Belle Mar 2016
I hope you're happy, honestly and truly happy. I hope that you spend your days smiling and feeling as happy as you were the day we first met, the day I said yes and the day I told you I loved you for the first time. I hope you wake up in the morning with a lazy smile on your face, the same smile that I used to wake up to after my quick afternoon naps at your place. I hope you fall asleep with the most serene of smiles, like the smile after every goodnight text we send, peppered with heart emojis and kissy faces. I hope you find someone new who will make you smile the way I used to. I hope they brighten up your life the way you brightened up mine and that they make you happy, honestly and truly happy, the way I wasn't meant to.

*- a.b.
Mar 2016 · 824
Beauty of Romance
Alexandra Belle Mar 2016
Romance is beautiful, in every sense of the word. From the very first moment you hold her hand to the last touch of your lips to her forehead. From the moment you first realise you have fallen in love, the moment your eyes brighten when she walks into the room, when she walks into your sight, to the moment you hold her for the last time as her tears stain your shirt, falling from her eyes, down your neck, burning you as you say goodbye.

Even Romance can make heartbreak look beautiful. From cheeks delicately stained with the saddest of tears to lips trembling as she holds her words back, desperate not to beg you to stay but also desperate to let you know how much she loves you. From the way her forehead creases every time she painstakingly thinks of you, every time her mind tortures her with thoughts of you, to the way she bites her lip to stop herself from saying your name whenever she is reminded of you, whenever she thinks fondly of you, remembering sweet memories that are but a distant daydream now.

Romance is beautiful, in every sense of the word. From the time you first laid eyes on her to the last.

*- a.b.
Sep 2015 · 716
When Love Won't Hurt
Alexandra Belle Sep 2015
Never. The answer is plain and simple and it has been staring you in the face this whole time. Love will never cease to hurt because love cannot survive without pain -- because love is sacrifice. There are days when it will hurt less and days when it will hurt more. There will be days when you forget what love is like and days you’ll feel every inch of your heart fill with it. You cannot run from love nor can you hide from it. It will find its way to you whether you like it or not. Pain is the same. Sometimes it is there simply to hurt you, other times it is there to remind you that you can feel something.  Love and pain are meant to coexist, one cannot be without the other.

*- a.b.
Sep 2015 · 788
Alexandra Belle Sep 2015
The blue in your eyes, an ocean I'd happily drown in
Pulling me in deeper into something I'd never known before
An eternal abyss of light that I'd only ever felt with you
You take the air from my lungs and breathe new life into me
Filling me with your devotion, all I'll ever need from you
I'd happily drown in your ocean of love, if you'd let me

*- a.b.
Sep 2015 · 510
Alexandra Belle Sep 2015
Your lips on mine, moving in sync with our heartbeats
Your teeth on my skin, the perfect mixture of pleasure and pain
Your hands on my back, resting from their exploration of my body
Your body moulding perfectly to fit mine, as if made for one another
Your arms, strong and commanding around my waist, pulling me closer
Your legs intertwined with mine, a knot I'd never untangle myself from
Your voice a mere whisper, not wanting to break the paradise we'd built
Your eyes staring into mine, as if they were an endless sea of answers
Your smile, an image I'll never forget, forever etched into my heart
Your nose gently bumping against mine, eliciting smiles and giggles
You're all I need, all I want, all I love

*- a.b.

— The End —