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Bamboo Bean    Like so many I have been through significant trauma. The most positive way I have found to cope is to create. If you are hurting, ...
Aysha Ahmed
nyc    I am a CNA here in NYC. I have been writing for many years but heartache and pain can sometimes cause a persons poetry to ...
Alex Bautista
Los Angeles , CA    I enjoy music(Metal,Rock,Grunge,Alt. of anykind) in fact I mastered the guitar and I want to learn Piano and Violin.I mostly do rhyme type of poems ...
Ever Punk Goddess
massachuttses    I'd rather give A broken heart to fix Than a whole heart To break...
Michigan (the mitten)    Hi. I'm Anna. My hair is ginger, and it keeps getting more red everyday. I like music, giraffes, and the people who actually care about ...
Jess Brady
19/Cisgender Female/Miami, Florida    Most of these are written at 2am. Feel free to critique the f*ck out of my work; it's the only way I can get better. ...
Kiana Grace
Newbie at this, but I'll try :)
Where Is My Mind?    I'm Autumn. I spend too much of my time writing poems (more time than you think),so I add to the site quite often. Feedback welcome! ...
The Masked Sleepyz
Honolulu, HI    I really hate bio's...youll know me better by what I write, but if you really want to know...a small town kid that wants to find ...
purple orchid
South Africa    (not) in the swing of things
Washington    ~~~i hope you will understand~~~ Time will tell Beautiful insides no one can see Hiding away, covering my heart Put my heart in your hands ...
Annie Schwenk
We accept the love we think we deserve - Perks of being a Wallflower Teenage girl living in this loser world.. This is my escape.
Gaby Wilcox
South England    Hey , my name's Gaby , I am 15 and currently studying poetry in my English! I've secretly always been a big fan of poetry ...
Samantha Ellis
not important enough to have a bio
Hanna Jordan
23/F    “The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming.” - Romans 8:18
Mr Super Deluxe Shakin Bacon
Da Swamp    "IT HURTS BUT I DO IT FOR SHREK" - Shrek is love Shrek is life Only you can prevent wildfires RIP Merica
A B Perales
San Pedro Ca.    I wrote my first Poem in 2007. I write only about the things I know,the things I've seen. Copyright 2007-2015 all rights reserved.
Ariana Sweeney
Colorado    Writing poetry as malleable as my mind. I like alliteration. "If you expect to find people who will understand you, you will grow murderous with ...

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