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Alanna Hoeveler Apr 2016
I do anything for a little bit of her attention
She’s become so distant, losing all connection
I haven’t heard the soothing excitement in her voice in months
Instead “I can’t right now” is her favorite response

It’s always been bad, but my god, has it gotten worse
She’d tell you that her life has been cursed
While she locks herself away in a bedroom that surrounds of hoard
Walls filled to the brim of things that she can’t afford

She’s so unhappy and yet, convinced that items will bring her happiness
While she clings to memories that weigh her heart of heaviness
Holding on to what life use to be before her parents passed away
Forgetting that she still has children that need her in their life to this day

Sometimes I wonder if she’ll be able to pull through
When I decide to exchange my I do’s
As of seeing my first home, she had to postpone
But above all else, one day, I’ll have children of my own
And I hope you’ll show and be there to watch them grow

Mom, I’m not asking for perfection
But sometimes I’m not sure where you’ve gone
And it’s just been so long…
That I’d do anything for a little bit of your attention
Alanna Hoeveler Apr 2016
If you asked me to show you God, I would not read you the bible,

Or the Quran or the Vedas or the Torah or anything with a holy title,

I would not take you to a temple and I would not point to the sky,

I would not even tell you to look in your heart, because that would be a lie

Instead, I would take you to the subways in the heart of New York City,

and I would point at the violin player playing so euphoniously without self pity,

I would take you to California and give you a tour of the high tech laboratory,

and introduce you to engineers working the next chapter of the human story

Or maybe, we would fly to the slums of Brazil where it so nice and warm,

And see the 12 year old zooming past 10 kids with a ball, a legend is born,

Or we could visit the villages of India, where time is not the same it is now,

And we could see the women, using magic to make food that is sure to wow

You might ask what the point of all this is, and what this has to do with God,

And I will tell you that God is made up of many peas and this world is the pod,

And you will think I am crazy but will look at the world with new admiration,

Because it is only with this perspective, that the world can reach true salvation

— The End —