47/M/Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
"The thing about love is that we come alive in bodies not our own" - Colum McCann (Let The Great World Spin). The beautiful contradictions β¦
24/M/South Africa
Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. β¦
47/F/On a hill near the sea
Use to write rap love dub poetry Enjoy spoken word free flow love Linton kwesi Johnson the beat Raised on hippiness Challenged by multiple Scleriosis β¦
Thousands of words; never enough to say or express. Stuck inside me, mute; yet expressionistic... Shy; yet bold; exotic & ordinary , mesmerizing, a beautiful β¦
20 year old English and Creative Writing student. I would relish constructive criticism as much as praise, a means to fine tune something I have β¦