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While I read I wonder..
When I close my book.. do you wait for me?
Do you wait for me to read then next line?
Does time stand still?

Do you wait for me?
Sitting upon your horses, waiting to go to battle?
Are you stood in silence or do you chat among yourselves
while I put the kettle on?
While I go to work or make tea?
Do you wait for me?

I narrate your story.
For me, while I read, you are real.
You fill my head and my heart.
My ears hear the horses charge.
I hear your war cry.
I hear the horns blow.
Your cries of pain and sorrow.
I can hear you..

I smell the turf under your feet.
The smoke in the wind.
I smell the blood of your enemies.
The acrid stench of the funeral pyre.
I can smell you..

I feel the sunrise warm my face.
I feel your anger, your joy.
I feel the sharp edge of your sword.
The heat from your skin..
I can feel you..

I run with you.
I ride with you.
I make camp and sleep under the stars with you.
I hunger and thirst with you.
I eat at your table.
And I will follow you.. where ever you lead.

But where do you go when I get tired?
Where do you go when I need to sleep?
Do you wait for me?

Or do you say..
"No!! not now! We go to battle!! We have no time to waste..
our enemy fast approaches!!!"

As I close the book and turn out the light.?
Sweat drips from your forehead;
Adrenaline rushes through your body.
Send me to hell,
that's where I belong;
With all the explicit versions I've made up of you.
You lose the air in your lungs from my hand around your throat.
You don't mind though;
That's what I love about you.
I can take your breath away with either my hand, or my presence.
& when it comes to you,
I never want to be without.
I'm selfish, but you're mine.
If anyone is going to make you lose your breath,
it's going to be me.
***** thoughts.
I understand
All of our time is short
What it means to say goodbye
Is something we all only learn
Once someone is gone

The good and the bad
Happy and sad
The proud and the frown
Waiting and wanting
Sitting and forgetting

What matters is being a good person
And knowing how to say goodbye

I have lost.  We all have.  There needs to be more poems written about it.  Just saying.  I could write all day about this.
Another day another night,
another hour another fight,
this room is filled with fear and uncertainty,
is a solution near,
no it's very far and nothing ever seems clear,
Once long ago
happiness of course that's what I wished for,
Unhappiness is what I got,
I've tried,
I've lied ,
I've fell,
I've cried,
my end is near,
I'm making this clear,
exhausted that's me,
I'm tired,
please see,
I can't do this no more,
my life of struggle is brakes every piece of me,
my stomach is turning growling and swirling,
hunger it hurts,
who will I miss or who will miss me, no one i see,
I only live another day for my pup I walk today.
If you want to know
the way to my heart
give me books
not new books
give me old dog eared ragged tales
give me a portal to another world
where lovers love and poets dream
where your heart breaks
and is made anew
with every turn of the page

give me a stepping stone into paradise
were every sunset and sunrise
is written within a paragraph
making my eyes shine
with it's reflection through the page
let me be transported from this world
to another within my mind

give me books that tell tales of adventure
of victory and of courage
where hearts have been broken
and loved and lifted within it's pages
were tears have blurred the ink
and I add my own to their count

give me books that smell of sweet vanilla
and almonds
whose pages are yellowed with time
of centuries past

And I will cherish them
I will hold them to my chest
as if it were the only love I deserve
I will keep them safely under my pillow
and they will be as your love for me
a love that keeps me awake at night
as it helps me to sleep

give me books
and I will
love you forever.
 Mar 2016 Aishwarya Das
I'll give you my heart,
I'll give you my soul,
I'll give you my all,
Just be gentle.

My heart has been broken,
once before...
It's a fragile part of me,
Be gentle please.

My soul use to burn bright,
But the flame distinguished,
My soul has renewed its light,
I hope it is not finished.

My body is a temple,
It's been used,
And abused...
My spirit is an example...

So please be gentle,
I'll give you my all,
For you brought me
Back to life.

But please be gentle,
And do not take
That life away...
For I am yours....

Love me til the end,
Hold me close,
Hug me tightly,
Kiss me sweetly,

If not forever,
At least for tonight,
And be gentle,
When you lemme go.
It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say no to someone you love. It’s okay to say no to a friend. It’s okay to say no to a parent or child. It’s okay to say no to a job or relationship.

It’s okay to say no to ****** advances. And it’s okay to say no to a person who’s romantically interested in you. Even if it hurts someone’s feelings, even if you disappoint people, even if you’re judged and ostracized — it’s okay to say no to anything and anyone that causes you pain or makes you uncomfortable. You’re allowed to put yourself first. You’re allowed to set limits and boundaries.

And you deserve to make your happiness and well being a priority. You don’t ever have to settle for something or someone that doesn’t feel right. And you definitely don’t have to compromise yourself for the sake of making other people happy. YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, AND IF THAT MEANS SAYING NO, IT'S MORE THAN OKAY.**

A quote by – Daniell Koepke
"No" is a complete sentence.
It does not require justification or explanation

(not my quote)
Hello pearl,
quartz thoughts,
beautiful girl.
Are you my whole entire world?
In tiny palm fist,
amethysts of magic tricks,
envy green in sentiment;
Plenty of men felt your eminence,
In sparkled emeralds,
cut precisely into these grooves,
to take a walk in my shoes,
you lose crazy diamond
you lose.
Some days so mundane,
I'll come after you Monday,
some say it's a Tuesday, Ruby,
but I can see through them like transparent jade,
your gaze shines opaque,
still lost in the landscape.
You shook me like a handshake,
revealed like aftermaths of earthquakes,
just another precious mineral,
subjective to the pearl,
subliminal to the world,

— The End —