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275 · Mar 2020
Adrian Agustin Mar 2020
Sometimes I wish I could go back,
To when I was a child, innocent and young,
To that dream like perspective, safe from
Pressure and responsibility,
When the world was bright and beautiful

How a simple walk through the neighborhood,
Brought excitement with the sight of,
The little birds,
Perched atop the liquor store,
Or the towering plan trees,
High above our heads

How the same sights,
Now ignored and meaningless,
As we walk by, now chasing 'dreams',
Now walking through the bleak abyss of maturity.
91 · Mar 2020
Adrian Agustin Mar 2020
How can you be happy
With such high expectations
Reaching for the stars
Always coming short

To expect more everyday
To receive so little
What comes all the work?
When reality works against you

To expect too much
Is to suffer everyday
To work through the suffering
Is to retire one day, to say
Who would have expected this?

— The End —