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 Nov 2016 Adrian Newman
transcended the fear that causes bigotry
because I noticed the way others judged me
so quick to render
and decide on first impressions
I thought it must be an instinctual thing
like why all
the hot chicks
are with
other guys
God's plans are but never late
On cue, he'll thus quell thy thirst
Fact being for he knows thy fate
Whilst in him thee lay thy trust

Kikodinho Alexandros**
21st September 2016
May his name in perpetuity be praised!
 Oct 2016 Adrian Newman
there must be a place where broken words go
the ones without a limb
not fully formed
not spoken right
not heard

there must be a place where broken words go
the sentences left uncompleted
the trailing words that never left the lips
the "but" and the "and"
that were always left hanging

somewhere between silence and speech
there must be a place where broken words go
full of stutters and writers block sufferers
somewhere between the "i love"
and the "you" that never followed
or the "wait"
that was whispered into the air
the "please come back"
that made peace with dying
on the corners of a turning mouth

there must be a place where broken words go
the words spoken but never heard
the letters written but never posted
the train of thought that crashed into the clouds
the words in the bottle that traveled the sea
but sunk to the bottom before it could ever reach

there must be a place where my broken words go
the stains on my diary that didn't come from a pen
and the letters on my thighs that don't make sense
the things i could never say
and the things i said that came out all wrong
all the broken alphabets in my song
that cry for salvation
for one more chance

there must be a place where broken words go
there must be a place i can call home.
 Oct 2016 Adrian Newman
The kind of songs that sing words
Of deep meanings
Tearing your soul from your body
While repeatedly stabbing your heart
Over and over again
Making you feel more alive than you actually were
They make you cry of your existence
You become insignificant in the world
Yet all the intangible human emotions is so large and real
These are my favorite songs
Painting my toenails, eating lid poppers
A school bus overdose
I'm collecting my senses
Hungry, bee stings, ferris wheel, red shirt, lips, pale, homeroom
I've climbed the fences
Ambulance, weak, tired
Tube, throat, charcoal
Parents, psychiatrist, abuse, eating disorder
Floated medicatons seeping into my body
Home, ***, drugs, abuse, lonely
Thank you Bobby
Don't you call me "Friend".
Not on a suicide call.
A friendship isn't based on threats.
I am your friend,
Which is why I tell you its your choice.

I don't judge.
I don't condone.
I don't care.
It's not my life to take.
It's not my responsibility to save you.
I will not have that put on me.

And if you **** yourself,
I will care.
I will hate you.
I will loathe you.
I will call you weak.
I will not understand "what you're going through."
Because That. Is Not. An Option.

Not if you care.
But hey, it's your call.
Make a decision.
A friend called me threatening suicide. I think its one of the most selfish calls I've ever heard.  But it's their decision. They haven't spoken to me since. I don't know if she's alive or dead.
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