Upon a bed of rocks I lay
alongside my pain.
It wakes me early in between
12 and 1 am.
It comes uninvited, cloud’s
gather too, fogging my mind
until I am confused.
A heaviness settles down
upon my brow and chest,
making breathing difficult
and laboured.
Pain separates me from the
outside world, it forces me
to suffer silently and alone.
It’s been awhile since I
felt well and capable.
I am 40 and this year
brought me illness and
Hopefully next year will be
I’m praying and meditating
to help me deal.
©️ 2021 By Amanda Shelton
I edited a spelling error. I am using my phone to post and spell check likes to post whatever it likes. It doesn't happen often so I don't check my posts after publishing. I am going to start reading my post before publishing them. ❤️🙂