Invoke the beast,
And unleash the salivating wretch
Upon unprepared man.
Take blood,
Uncoil the serpent,
Set it free,
Weep not for your humanity
It is dead.
Deader than a dodo's head,
Deader than the driest bed
Of once quick flows of water,
That swam together
Swish and swish.
Do not speak but be
Calm and elementary,
Examine and evaluate
The very essence of your state.
Close your eyes
And inward look
and deep,
Inside each dark recess,
Each nook
and peep
Along those contours of the soul
Where evil thoughts and deeds not done
Lie waiting for that loaded gun to fire,
Do you see the plumes of bloodlust carry?
This is you.
If so then go,
If nay then stay
And tarry a while to clarify the node.
We breathe the air of demon spawn
Each one of us since we were born
For at conception
There began
A process unlike mortal man
Can ponder,
Split his fragile mind asunder
To believe.