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i used to love the smell of her
on my clothes
i used to enjoy her hair
pacing in front of my eyes.

everything collapsed
worlds colliding
people make mistakes
even the people we love.

now i'm more in love
with our memories
than with her.
but in the end
we all become the person
we swore we'd never be.
It is Spring, and of course,
I love her madly!
But our lips will never meet!
I will never hold her gently in my arms,
Never touch her soft body with mine.
And it is, sadly,
Better that we won't!

Yet I have already touched her heart,
As she has, mine,
So many times before,
That we often live
Inside each others hearts.
And sometimes,
We beat as one.

Alas, we will never make love,
Our bodies will never be entwined,
As one, in passion's embrace,
To give what lovers give,
To take what lovers take.
She is not for me,
She is destined for another.
And I, to step aside.

Yet our spirits are sometimes united,
Like the light from two candles,
That becomes inseparably infused,
Impossible to separate,
Whenever their flames
Are held together
As one.

I have no regrets!
Facing your fear
makes you go all cold inside.
Intestines shrinking and suddenly
the floor looks pretty.

Facing an impossible act
makes you get butterflies.
The mouth blubbers meaningless phrases
Tries to gather courage and bravery.
Abstract poems: 2nd poem
Why suicide?
1. I'm too stressed out.
2. Life will end anyways, so why not die now?
3. Someone's ****** at me for doing something.
4. I'm drunk/high.
5. Life *****!
6. No one likes me.
Why live?
1. Stress can be relieved in other ways.
2. You have a great future ahead of you if you work hard.
3. Try to seek forgiveness. If this fails, seek forgiveness.
4. Seek rehab.
5. Life has its ups and downs. It will get better.
6. Someone loves you, even if you don't know them.
This particular poem is about suicide is. Don't question my motives.
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